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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Sat, January 16th, 2010, 10:10 PM
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Default i'm an idiot, HELP!

Ok, its been awhile since I have been around, because my truck runs like a champ and life has gotten alot busier and a hell of alot harder. Tonight I felt like pulling my Gryphon out because somehow long ago I lost a splash screen and to update to newer pegasus software since the last I updated was June '09. Here is my issue.

Originally Posted by 88Racing View Post
Especially when changing memory dependent items such as splash screens.
Note: When using the data streaming/logging feature this isn't necessary.
I didn't do this, I walked out and un-plugged it and updated it, then browsing around I saw that and went oh f***, what do I do? I wont dare put it back into the truck until I an assured it will run.

stupid stupid idiot, usually I think before I do things.
Appearance: Painted Headlamps/Fog lamps, 20% Tint, LED Reverse & Plate Lights
Performance: 2.5" True Duals X piped, Rear Cats Deleted, Magnaflow 11" Bodies, Magnaflow 4x18 Rolled Tips.
Suspension: Bilstein 5100 Leveling Struts & Rear Shocks. 20"x9" KMC XD Monsters, 33x12.5 Toyo M/Ts
Old Sat, January 16th, 2010, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by DarrenWS6 View Post
Ok, its been awhile since I have been around, because my truck runs like a champ and life has gotten alot busier and a hell of alot harder. Tonight I felt like pulling my Gryphon out because somehow long ago I lost a splash screen and to update to newer pegasus software since the last I updated was June '09. Here is my issue.

I didn't do this, I walked out and un-plugged it and updated it, then browsing around I saw that and went oh f***, what do I do? I wont dare put it back into the truck until I an assured it will run.

stupid stupid idiot, usually I think before I do things.
So, you've updated the software in the Gryphon and your truck is not at stock. (Do I have this right?).

If so, I don't think you DO want to try to program your truck with it, because it MAY think your "tune" is the stock tune (which it isn't). I thought the latest version of Pegasus was supposed to warn you about this. Did you update Pegasus to the latest version BEFORE you connected your Gryphon to the PC? (Of course you should have).

But, that's all "water under the bridge". I think I'd wait for Bill to get with you on this. I suspect the fix is going to be a lot easier if you DON'T put that thing back in your truck.

It will probably take him several days to "catch up", so don't expect an instant response.

- Jack

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Old Sat, January 16th, 2010, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
So, you've updated the software in the Gryphon and your truck is not at stock. (Do I have this right?).

If so, I don't think you DO want to try to program your truck with it, because it MAY think your "tune" is the stock tune (which it isn't). I thought the latest version of Pegasus was supposed to warn you about this. Did you update Pegasus to the latest version BEFORE you connected your Gryphon to the PC? (Of course you should have).

But, that's all "water under the bridge". I think I'd wait for Bill to get with you on this. I suspect the fix is going to be a lot easier if you DON'T put that thing back in your truck.

It will probably take him several days to "catch up", so don't expect an instant response.

- Jack
Yes thats correct.

Well damn it. Can I still use my truck with it not installed? I HAVE to have my truck on a daily basis.

I got my home PC computer rebuilt and lost my previous info, what I did was I just today re-downloaded the Pegusus software on the main page, so if thats the newest then yes, then after re-updating registration software and all I updated the Pegusus update manager, not the Gryphon manager, Pegusus. I had the Gryphon connected the entire time, so what does this mean?
Appearance: Painted Headlamps/Fog lamps, 20% Tint, LED Reverse & Plate Lights
Performance: 2.5" True Duals X piped, Rear Cats Deleted, Magnaflow 11" Bodies, Magnaflow 4x18 Rolled Tips.
Suspension: Bilstein 5100 Leveling Struts & Rear Shocks. 20"x9" KMC XD Monsters, 33x12.5 Toyo M/Ts
Old Sun, January 17th, 2010, 12:48 AM
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Let's get things straightened out here.
The truck will still run without the gryphon installed.
So, You didn't put your truck back to stock.
Before removing and updating the gryphon?
At any time did you get any warning screens?
Answered them and continued on?

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Old Sun, January 17th, 2010, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by 88Racing View Post
Let's get things straightened out here.
The truck will still run without the gryphon installed.
So, You didn't put your truck back to stock.
Before removing and updating the gryphon?
At any time did you get any warning screens?
Answered them and continued on?
No I dont recall any warnings, it was straight forward and updated itself correctly. It was the Pegusus update, i'm not at all sure of what it has to do with the Gryphon itself, but it was not the Gryphon Update, but I still had it connected to the computer.
Appearance: Painted Headlamps/Fog lamps, 20% Tint, LED Reverse & Plate Lights
Performance: 2.5" True Duals X piped, Rear Cats Deleted, Magnaflow 11" Bodies, Magnaflow 4x18 Rolled Tips.
Suspension: Bilstein 5100 Leveling Struts & Rear Shocks. 20"x9" KMC XD Monsters, 33x12.5 Toyo M/Ts
Old Sun, January 17th, 2010, 11:12 AM
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Well then I'd take it back to the truck and go to power programming. If you didn't update the programmer you should have the [Return to Stock] option. But if you dont have that, go ahead and start sweating. You will still be able to drive it though. If you did lose the stock program you'll have to wait until Bill can make you a new one. I wonder if you could ask the dealership to reprogram the truck with what was there before?

To me it sounds like he updated JUST pegasus and only had the progammer connected to the computer.
Old Sun, January 17th, 2010, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by DarrenWS6 View Post
Yes thats correct.

Well damn it. Can I still use my truck with it not installed? I HAVE to have my truck on a daily basis.

I got my home PC computer rebuilt and lost my previous info, what I did was I just today re-downloaded the Pegusus software on the main page, so if thats the newest then yes, then after re-updating registration software and all I updated the Pegusus update manager, not the Gryphon manager, Pegusus. I had the Gryphon connected the entire time, so what does this mean?
If I'm reading what you're saying correctly, you're "golden"!

Since you DID NOT choose the Gryphon Update Manager, you didn't do anything at all to the Gryphon. It will work the same as before when you take it back out and plug it in to your truck (with the key on). Even if you HAD mucked up the Gryphon software, the truck will run fine without it, it's just acting as a monitor now.

Now, if you really DO want to change the splash screen, after you have it connected to the truck, set the truck back to stock and THEN bring the Gryphon back to your PC for that task.

Looks like you "dodged a bullet"!

- Jack
Old Sun, January 17th, 2010, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
If I'm reading what you're saying correctly, you're "golden"!

Since you DID NOT choose the Gryphon Update Manager, you didn't do anything at all to the Gryphon. It will work the same as before when you take it back out and plug it in to your truck (with the key on). Even if you HAD mucked up the Gryphon software, the truck will run fine without it, it's just acting as a monitor now.

Now, if you really DO want to change the splash screen, after you have it connected to the truck, set the truck back to stock and THEN bring the Gryphon back to your PC for that task.

Looks like you "dodged a bullet"!

- Jack
Sweet deal, thanks! Had me a bit worried because I need my truck everyday, and it completely skipped my mind to put the truck back to stock before removing it.
Appearance: Painted Headlamps/Fog lamps, 20% Tint, LED Reverse & Plate Lights
Performance: 2.5" True Duals X piped, Rear Cats Deleted, Magnaflow 11" Bodies, Magnaflow 4x18 Rolled Tips.
Suspension: Bilstein 5100 Leveling Struts & Rear Shocks. 20"x9" KMC XD Monsters, 33x12.5 Toyo M/Ts
Old Mon, January 18th, 2010, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by DarrenWS6 View Post
Sweet deal, thanks! Had me a bit worried because I need my truck everyday, and it completely skipped my mind to put the truck back to stock before removing it.
Should be good to go!
Don't be doing this again or otherwise I'm going to start posting over on F150online that my muffler bearings are going out! LOL's

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