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2004 to 2008 F-150 and Mark-LT
4.2L, 4.6L and 5.4L equipped F-150s and Mark-LTs.

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Old Thu, December 31st, 2009, 05:26 PM
mwood1986 mwood1986 is offline
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Default Trans problems and evo tuners

Is it possible for the canned tunes in an evo to trash a transmission?
I got the incorrect gear ratio in gear 1 and 2 code and also the p1000 code which I don't think matters much. It won't shift into any other gear but 3rd and reverse after tearin around in snow drifts the other day nothin happened till the day after though which is weird.
I had torn around a little in snow before and never had issues but it was before I had the tuner.

That's why I was wondering if these programmers can possibly fry a transmission cause I don't tear around often and a truck isn't a truck unless you get it dirty now and then.
Oh yea the only thing I modified on the tuner was the tire size and advanced the timing since I ran lvl2 I never touched the shift firmness control.

Dropped the pan and found a glob of tiny shavings on the magnet and burnt smelling fluid and I know for a fact it wasn't burnt nor dark a week earlier.

I have an 04 newer body style F150
with the 5.4 and the 4r75e transmission, 33" tires and only 43,000miles on it.
I hear these transmissions are supposed to be indestructable. I ran it on lvl2 since lvl3 caused a loss in performance for my truck.
I noticed it shifted pretty hard but never thought much of it since the evo warrants the stock tunes. I dropped the pan and the fluid

Thanks in advance for the info
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Old Thu, December 31st, 2009, 05:52 PM
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I don't know what you are fishing for here but to my knowledge edge tuners have not fried a tranny yet.
Some possible causes to tranny failure.
1. Internal mechanical failure. A. Valve body.
B. Clutch packs.
C. Pumps.
2. Oversized tires without regearing.
You start to ask a lot out of your drive line with the extra added mass of wheels/tires and starting and stopping. Even with regearing it still adds demand to the drive line.
3. Used vehicle=Not knowing if the tranny has been overused and abused.

Just a general observation, however there seem to be some of these trucks(04-06) that seem to be having failures at low mileages. I have been seeing more 06's than other years and 3/4's of all of them have never had a programmer.
So I don't know what more to tell you other than its probably not the programmer.

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Old Thu, December 31st, 2009, 06:12 PM
bustintheirazz bustintheirazz is offline
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Well, Im not really fond of the "indestructible ford tranny". I have an 05 F-150. The original transmission lasted 70k miles then crapped out, did a Ford Replacement Transmission. The replacement lasted 12k miles. I am running the Gryphon set on moderate tuning, no towing, was in snow when this happened. Not sure whats at fault. Maybe just a bad tranny, i wasnt harder than normal on the transmission and even if I was, 12k miles?
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Old Thu, December 31st, 2009, 06:29 PM
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There are just a whole lot of variables when it comes to these electronically controlled transmissions of what fails on them.
Here's one:http://forum.gopowerhungry.com/2004-...-issues-4.html
Read the last page for his fix to the problem.
That's why I made it a sticky.

If anything I'd recomend doing a valve body upgrade. That's what I'm thinking about doing in February before my tranny decides to take a dump!

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Old Thu, December 31st, 2009, 09:26 PM
mwood1986 mwood1986 is offline
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Yea going to take it to a tranny shop and pray it's a sensor of some sort the guy told me the truck starting out in 3rd gear is it's limp home feature so we'll see what the tests bring up at the shop come Tuesday.
Oh and the previous owner babied the truck it was all street driven it still has almost all the under-body paint basically I just so happened to get a truck that has a bad tranny I'm assuming and of course this past year I've owned it it's had to have rear axle seals and a new front brake caliper installed it's almost stupid. I'm a Ford man but 3grand in one year would really get old fast.
I spoke to the previous one owner and he got rid of it during the last gas price spike it had 32inch tires that were 13" wide when I got the truck 305/50R20s hell the guy put heavy duty studs and a power steering cooler in it when he put the big tires on.
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Old Fri, January 1st, 2010, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by mwood1986 View Post
Yea going to take it to a tranny shop and pray it's a sensor of some sort the guy told me the truck starting out in 3rd gear is it's limp home feature so we'll see what the tests bring up at the shop come Tuesday.
Oh and the previous owner babied the truck it was all street driven it still has almost all the under-body paint basically I just so happened to get a truck that has a bad tranny I'm assuming and of course this past year I've owned it it's had to have rear axle seals and a new front brake caliper installed it's almost stupid. I'm a Ford man but 3grand in one year would really get old fast.
I spoke to the previous one owner and he got rid of it during the last gas price spike it had 32inch tires that were 13" wide when I got the truck 305/50R20s hell the guy put heavy duty studs and a power steering cooler in it when he put the big tires on.
I'm starting to wonder if people are treating their trannies to gently?
That's a very common thing I have been hearing about trannies that fail is that the previous owner babied them.

I drive mine like I stole it alot of the times.

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