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2004 to 2008 F-150 and Mark-LT
4.2L, 4.6L and 5.4L equipped F-150s and Mark-LTs.

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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 10:12 PM
tnf150 tnf150 is offline
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Default Rough Idle Questions?

I got my gryphon today and started running 93 octane in it, before I had the tuner I had a bit of a rough idle. Now I can tell just how much it jumps, anywhere from 570-630. I am wondering what is the average idle rpm? Also I just hit 50k and I don't think the plugs have been changed, what are good plugs to get? Should I get new plug wires? I have researched this all over the googlenet and can't get any specifics. I appreciate the help.
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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 10:22 PM
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What year truck are we looking at? I'm assuming it's an '04 to '08, so here's what we've got.

The plugs are a pain in the butt and you'll want to let the dealer do it. There aren't any plug wires on your vehicle. It uses a COP, or Coil On Plug setup which means there are eight coils... 1 for each cylinder. It also doesn't hurt to clean the throttle body. This can help eliminate rough idle. Base idle speed on these trucks is usually 625 RPM.

In regards to the spark plugs, some folks have recommended Brisk plugs. See this thread:


Hope this helps.
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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 10:25 PM
tnf150 tnf150 is offline
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2006 f150 5.4l. Also when I hooked up my gryphon today it kept stalling out when I would stop. Not everytime but three or four times, what could that be?

Last edited by tnf150; Thu, March 12th, 2009 at 07:04 PM.
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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 10:28 PM
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What year is your truck? Based on your mileage, I don't think you have plug wires! And, if it's a late model year truck, your plugs are supposed to be good to 100K. Some people have advocated changing them earlier, to avoid plug breakage, but that's all anecdotal.

My idle is steady and in the neighborhood of 600 rpm. I've never looked at that value on the Gryphon though, because it doesn't interest me - I just read it off the dashboard tach.

So, why is your idle wandering? I can only tell you an experience of mine. When I first got my Edge (now converted to a Gryphon) I tried advancing the spark - I think no more than 0.25 degrees. I got the same symptoms you have - a "strolling" idle. I moved the spark back to zero and all was well.

You might try retarding the spark about 0.025 from the setting you have it on.

But, before you do this, what Level are you programmed for with 93 octane gas and a programmer? Using the canned tunes, you SHOULD be able to advance the spark 1 degree in a Level 3 tune. Have you advanced it more than this? Did you advance it at all?

I'm asking questions because we need more information.

(As often the case, Bill beat me to this! - Stalling? Fuel filter? Danged if I know). Bill has posted a good bit of information on the PHP website in the FAQs about idle problems caused by a dirty throttle body. Pull the air cleaner box off and have a look.

- Jack

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Last edited by Jackpine; Tue, March 10th, 2009 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Acknowledged Bill's input and a second post by OP
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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 10:32 PM
tnf150 tnf150 is offline
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I am running the 93 performance, have not changed anything so far. I am still using canned tunes, and waiting on custom tunes. Sorry about not enough info still new to all this.
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Old Tue, March 10th, 2009, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by tnf150 View Post
I am running the 93 performance, have not changed anything so far. I am still using canned tunes, and waiting on custom tunes. Sorry about not enough info still new to all this.
Get a can of carburator cleaner and spray all around your vacuum lines. If you hear the engine start bogging, it means you have a vaccuum leak, that might have something to do with the stalling, definitely.
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Old Wed, March 11th, 2009, 11:09 AM
way2qk4u2c way2qk4u2c is offline
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Just today i experienced something weird...

I to have been having a rough idle lately (not sure if its normal since ive never owned a truck until now) but today while at a stop light the truck wanted to die- the rpms at idle was surging trying to die and after a few seconds the truck went back to idle (never completely turned off) i have full power still but what would cause this?

Right now my edge is at PHP getting a upgrade so currently my truck is stock configuration.

I didnt get a check engine light during this?

Is this possible bad fuel filter or dirty throttle body?

Also i dont know if this has anything to do with it...but you know how when you start to take off from a light and someone in front of you stops suddenly so you let off gas and hit brakes. Well right when i left off the truck wants to dip way low on the rpms below idle speed almost to the point of shutting down? does your trucks do this? i wonder if my idle is slightly to low?
2006 F-150 FX4 Dark Shadow Grey
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Old Wed, March 11th, 2009, 11:42 AM
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I suppose you COULD have a dirty throttle body, but since you have a 2006, this seems a bit soon for that. The only way to tell is to look.

I've never seen the "dip" you describe. And, my idle RPM is in the neighborhood of 600-650.

Could the "stumble" have been the AC coming on?

- Jack
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