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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 07:09 PM
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Default don`t know when

well i don`t know when am i going to get my custom tune , i downloaded the pegasus and checking my invoice number it passed so how can i know about my status now .. nobody is answering me even Corey is not answering my emails my invoice number is 1750 and the current is 1773 .. any help please !
Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by mxriderae View Post
well i don`t know when am i going to get my custom tune , i downloaded the pegasus and checking my invoice number it passed so how can i know about my status now .. nobody is answering me even Corey is not answering my emails my invoice number is 1750 and the current is 1773 .. any help please !
It appears, looking at your UserCP, that you do not know your HEX code. Without it, they cannot write your custom tunes. You are going to have to get your HEX code and get it to them. I'd put it in your UserCP and include it in the registration details within Pegasus.

The easiest way for you to get your HEX code would be to unplug your Gryphon from your truck's OBDII port, wait a minute or so for any electrical charge in the unit's memory to bleed off, then, turn the ignition ON (withoug starting the truck) and plug the Gryphon back in. One of the first screens you'll see is your HEX code. Write it down. You munst do these steps in the order I've given them.

Once you get your HEX code, include it in your UserCP and Pegasus registration. I'd also send a PM to Corey with your name and invoice number and the HEX code.

I'll also alert Corey to your problem myself, but YOU have to supply the HEX code.

- Jack

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Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
It appears, looking at your UserCP, that you do not know your HEX code. Without it, they cannot write your custom tunes. You are going to have to get your HEX code and get it to them. I'd put it in your UserCP and include it in the registration details within Pegasus.

The easiest way for you to get your HEX code would be to unplug your Gryphon from your truck's OBDII port, wait a minute or so for any electrical charge in the unit's memory to bleed off, then, turn the ignition ON (withoug starting the truck) and plug the Gryphon back in. One of the first screens you'll see is your HEX code. Write it down. You munst do these steps in the order I've given them.

Once you get your HEX code, include it in your UserCP and Pegasus registration. I'd also send a PM to Corey with your name and invoice number and the HEX code.

I'll also alert Corey to your problem myself, but YOU have to supply the HEX code.

- Jack
well jack ,, i sent the hex # and all requiremnets to Corey around two months ago !
Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by mxriderae View Post
well jack ,, i sent the hex # and all requiremnets to Corey around two months ago !
Is there a reason you have not put it in your UserCP information? Corey, Bill and we Moderators can see this info, but no one else can, if you're concerned about privacy.

But, DO send her a PM with the information that it looks like you've been "passed up", your HEX code (again) and your name and order number. I've alerted her about this too, but it appears she's not at the computer right now.

- Jack
Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 07:58 PM
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which UseCp are you talking about .. ?
is it the one in this forums or the one in the pegasus ?
Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 08:07 PM
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The UserCP is the one in the forums. Corey has asked us all to fill that out completely, since it would help them help us.

And, now with the new version of Pegasus, I'd make sure you are fully registered there too.

And, I see that Corey has now posted here with you. I'm sure you'll be good to go in a very short time.

- Jack
Old Thu, July 2nd, 2009, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Groovy Chick View Post
No worries. You should have been finished last night, but your invoice was out of order. You'll be done over the weekend. As for e-mails, I did miss yours from five days ago, and I just hadn't gotten to all of mine today. I'm now averaging OVER 100 e-mails every day.
God help you
thanx .. i just been worried about this thing and you made it clear to me thanx
so do you need anything from me .. or do something ?
thanx Jack you are always helpful

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