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Minotaur Automotive Tuning Software
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Old Mon, August 10th, 2009, 11:35 AM
967.3L4x4's Avatar
967.3L4x4 967.3L4x4 is offline
Minotaur Newb
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Melbourne, FL
Posts: 30
967.3L4x4 is on a distinguished road
Question Let me get this striaght, F.U., F.U.2, Minotaur

So in a little while I will be needing a chip. I plan on stage IIs, and the suporting mods eventually. So I want to get a chip that will be flexible to the changes on my truck.

F.U.- I get all the basic tunes available to me and it cost $30 everytime I want a custom tune, say for stage IIs. - $475

F.U.2- I get all the basic tunes available and when ever I need one tweaked I contact PHP and its free or depending on what it is there may be some cost. - $695

Minotaur-Of course the ability to tune yourself. - $675

Now with the Minotaur, I thought I read that Bill can/will send you his basic tunes too. I don't know if there is a charge or anything though. Now it will be a while before I will need tunes for any big modifications but I would love to get rid of my 1999 Superchip Tuner as soon as I can. So my plan was if I get the Minotaur package then I can get the basic tunes from Bill with it. I can then get rid of the Sperchip and have the software to play around with and get to know while runnig Bill's tunes. Then when it comes time for the stage IIs or whatnot, I can either tune it myself if im good enough by then or have Bill write me a tune and then I'll have the power right away and then make changes as I learn. If this is true then Minotaur is well worth it. I think I have something wrong becuase the Minotaur is $20 less than the F.U.2.

Sorry for the long post.
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