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Upgrade your Evo (Disabled)
Upgrade your Edge Evolution to a Gryphon Programmer to allow for custom tuning and additional functionality.

Due to issues with the cable failures due to incompatible versions of firmware, we do not offer upgrades or tuning for the 1997-2003 F-Series gas or 7.3L diesel trucks. We recommend using another platform.

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Old Tue, October 20th, 2009, 12:31 PM
JIM JAMES's Avatar
BA, M.Ed., Ed.D., CDL
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Wind River Valley, Wyoming
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Default Evo problem to solve before upgrade

I guess this is to Bill:

Got my Evolution last year, in Ogden, drove on down to LA and had some "connection" problems. In short, from time to time, the unit would go out and if I wiggled it, would come back on. I talked to Casey at Edge, he thought it was the cable, I thought it was something in the unit. The problem never became so bad to push me to get it fixed, and I changed tune levels a number of times over the last year, no problems of note. Most recently, set at Tow. Now, when I turn the key on, it comes up "connecting to bridge" and stays there.

Now, I am assuming that Bill can help me fix that problem so I can set the truck (01 Excursion, 7.3, 122k) back to stock to send the unit in for programming.

Or do I need to talk to Edge?

"The one that dies with the fewest regrets, wins"

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