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Prayer Requests (Disabled)
Let's face it -- there are times when everyone could use a few extra prayers coming their way. Feel free to post about prayers needed for yourself, family, friends, and anyone else!

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Old Fri, November 13th, 2009, 10:53 PM
sam8 sam8 is offline
Double Whopper
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Rough and Ready, California.
Posts: 44
sam8 is on a distinguished road
Default I had a heart attack.

On the 4th of November, woke up about 3am with chest pain, belching and pain down both arms. I wound up in Mercy General Hosp. in Sacramento, and had a Stent put in my heart. I feel much better, and I've had a major shift in my priorities list, but have some challenges ahead. I will, with God's help and grace, overcome them.
I'd been home for two days from the heart deal when another doc called.
I'd had a colonoscopy about 3 days before the heart attack, and the doc had removed a polyup he thought was benign. UPon examination in the lab, it wa found to contain a very, very small carcinoid rectal tumor.
I went to the oncologist today, and he told me that I would be fine. He said the colonoscopy saved my life, the cancer had not gotten loose, and there was less than a 1% chance any cancer cells remained. I'll have another colonoscopy in a few months to make sure.
If you are in your 40's and have family history, or are 50, get a colonoscopy.
There is one day of misery in the bathroom, but it might save your life.
Your prayers as I go through this would be much appreciated.

Bill, regarding my thread in the calibration update section, I don't know if you have looked at it and upoaded the requested info or not. I would appreciate you letting me know. With this priorty shift, we are going to using the truck and camper a lot more in the future.

Thanks all....

sam8 (Jeff)
Proud father of a U.S. Army veteran, proud uncle of an Active Duty U.S. Army Ranger.

'97 F-350 CC LB 4x4-Orignal Owner. Arrowcraft DRW Kit, Tymar int., Banks IC, Beans D-66 Turbo, Hypermax DP, 4 inch exhaust, ATS Triple Loc converter, Mag Hytec Trans Pan,Tru-cool Trans Cooler, ORU Shackle Reverse, Ultralite Gauges, PHP F.U. 2 Flex 6 pos. chip Terminator modded 17* HPOP and Scan Gauge

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