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Upgrade your Evo (Disabled)
Upgrade your Edge Evolution to a Gryphon Programmer to allow for custom tuning and additional functionality.

Due to issues with the cable failures due to incompatible versions of firmware, we do not offer upgrades or tuning for the 1997-2003 F-Series gas or 7.3L diesel trucks. We recommend using another platform.

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Old Sat, February 13th, 2010, 03:49 AM
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flub781 flub781 is offline
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Default evo to gryphon upgrade... help needed

Ok so a Guy from my fire department is a Mechanic for a local dodge dealership. They got an 06 F150 in on a trade with an EVO programmer in it, and he wound up getting it for me for free. I definitely want to get this turned into a gryphon but I have a few questions.

1. I dont believe it was set back to stock before it was removed from the vehicle. I downloaded the fusion software off edge's website and when i hook the programmer to my computer it says "plug back into truck and set to stock". I believe when it was taken out of the truck it was taken out while in level 1. The truck is no longer at the dealership so I cannot put it back into the truck to correct this. Is there any way to do it?

2. I wanted to get the custom tunes done for it. right now I have a CAI installed and want to get a SI/DO roush off road exhaust. can i get the tunes for it now or should I wait until I get the exhaust to order the tunes?

and finally, Which custom tunes should i get. I am running 93 octane and don't do any towing, which ones would you recommend?


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