Anyone have any ideas
First of all, I apologize for the long post. I've been running my truck on level 2 for a couple of weeks now, all stock except for the e-fans. On Friday, I wanted to try level 3 so once my gas tank was empty, I topped off with 91 octane. I went home, returned my truck to stock. I then programmed it to level 3. I went for a drive down one of the back roads here to see what it could do. I did several wot runs and I could not feel any difference between level 2 or 3. I don't know if that might be a clue to what happened next. As I was returning home, some crazy stuff happened. First, the truck started shaking bad. It was an exagerated shaking. I thought the engine was going to fall off. The a/c then started blowing really hot air. As I pulled over, I looked at the gages on my gryphon. The ECT which never goes over 200 was at 230; however, the temp gage on my truck never moved. The TFT which is normally between 154-168 was 203. My Batt Volts were bouncing from the high 12 to 14. I shut the truck off. I returned the programming to stock since that and the 91 octane gas were the only thing that has changed. After returning it to stock, my truck started up fine and as I started driving home, all temps went down to normal and even a/c was working fine. Once I got home, I tried it again to see if it was the programmer. I programmed it to level 3 took it out for a drive and the same thing happened. I return to stock, it runs fine. I programmed it to level 2, it runs fine. On level 2, I did some wot runs to see if I could get the same thing to happen and have not been able to. Since Friday, I have burned through that tank, filled up with 88 octane, what I normally use, and used up that tank. I have not had any problems.
Before I call and disturb Bill, I wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else or am I doing something wrong? Should I contact Bill to see if I need to return the programmer so that he can check it out or should I just call a Priest and have an exorcism performed on my truck?