buzzfx4, I just stumbled across a thread containing a problem similar to yours. In his case, he didn't quite have the USB cable inserted fully, either in the PC or the Gryphon. It would power the unit, but the Gryphon would not connect. Make sure you're fully plugged in.
And, another thought. Is your PC a laptop? I have a laptop (an Averatec) that WILL NOT power an external disk drive properly. It spins the drive, but if I try to do a backup to the drive, it cannot read the drive properly during the "verify phase". This is even using a USB cable that has two PC end plugs that are supposed to get more power to the external device. There's nothing wrong with the drive of course, it works just fine with a different laptop or my desktop. Possibly, your PC's power supply through its USB port is just not enough to BOTH power AND communicate with the Gryphon? Any way you could try it on a different PC?
- Jack