Have a ? / possible problem
Here it is guys. I got my gryphon programmer a few weeks ago. Plugged it in to get my hex code. I only got the hex code from my truck, 2001 f-150 5.4l, then turned key off and unplugged programmer. Wasn't gonna install till I got my custom tune, but changed my mind the other day and figured I would put it in this weekend. Well I installed Pegasus on my laptop today, I'm running vista, and went to go thru the steps of updating my programmer. Well when connected to my computer the gryphon's screen is a blank green but Pegasus tells me this:
Unable to locate a Target Instruction file. Process failed
Update failed. Please contact your vendor for assistance.
What is going on? Why isn't Pegasus letting me do anything? Did I screw up my new toy already?