Gryphon says its locked to another vehicle??
2002 Ford F150 5.4 2wd with a gryphon for a little over 2 years now i think. it's never been hooked up to another vehicle and has only been removed 2 or 3 times since i've had it. it hasnt been removed in the past 4 months. i have level 1 loaded (i have custom tunes) and went to change it last night to level 2 and it says that it's locked to another vehicle. this is the first time it's ever happened.
i tried returning it to stock, all 3 levels, even customizing a tune but it wont let me do anything. the only thing i can think that has happened since the last time i changed the tune (about a month) is my battery died on my truck for about 2 days... it's been dead before but never where i could access my tunes and change them out...
any suggestions?