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6.0L PSD FICM Reprogramming
Power Hungry Performance revolutionized the 6.0L FICM (Fuel Injection Control Module) programming and has been the industry standard for FICM modification for almost 15 years.

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Old Thu, July 28th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Power2336 Power2336 is offline
Whopper Junior
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 3
Power2336 is on a distinguished road
Question VXCF4NG versus VXCF9NZ any thoughts?

I just have my FICM replaced at my dealership this week under warranty and they re flashed my PCM to the VXCF9NZ strategy and was curious what the pros and or cons are or is it worth rolling back to the original VXC4 code? I run tunes from Matt and Vivian and spoke to Matt who said I should be able to run my original tunes even with the new strategy. He also mention that the new VXC9 code cycles the vanes at idle aswell as other features that are a plus. Sorry I dont have the other features on hand as I should have written them down. I did notice that after I set my truck to stock before taking to dealer and then picking it up that the truck in stock form with new CODE felt to me like a dog stuck in mud and no real acceleration compared to the previous stock tune. I also have been running the runes for a year or so now so also forgot how better the truck runs with the tunes in place. I did notice though with the new stock strategy that I got 2-3 mpg less going 70.
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