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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

If you have a question or comment relating the Gryphon (or Evolution) programmer, post it here.

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Old Sat, December 12th, 2009, 01:59 PM
ryanman_ford ryanman_ford is offline
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Question Questions about the Gryphon.

First off I finally got my custom tunes yesterday and I am way excited.
#1 I just got done installin them to my device, I did all the steps as explained but when the Pegasus said it was succesfull, my Gryphon device said Connecting to bridge...Please wait... I waited about half an hour and nothing ever changed so I just unplugged it. Anyone know what happened there?
#2 When reprogramming my device and creating a custom file, if I use previous settings, when its done reprogramming and I start my truck is sputters and dies. I can avoid this by rentering all of my data on the custom file rather than use the previous settings. Anyone know whats wrong?
#3 I was under the impression way back when I ordered my Gryphon that I would be able to monitor much more, a few examples such as tranny temp, oil psi, etc. I didnt worry to much about it until I read a thread a few days ago and some guys were talkin about towing and monitoring some perimeters that I am unable to monitor myself. Any ideas would be great. I am towing a 6000lb load 2000 miles in a few days so it would be nice to monitor as much as possible.

Thanks in advance gents and THANK YOU PHP!!!!
Old Thu, December 17th, 2009, 09:04 AM
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Please fill in your information in the User Control Panel so we can better answer your questions. We've got a LOT of Ryans in our customer list.

1) We've updated the software so that it now explains that "Connecting to Bridge" is normal and at this point the update is complete. I know this has caused a lot of confusion for folks.

2) I'll have to investigate this issue. Could you please indicate what settings you're originally using so that I can try to duplicate the problem. I can also pull the files from your unit to see what's getting corrupted and that may help as well. Get back with me on this.

3) If you have a 97-03 truck, there are a limited number of PIDs to monitor. The problem is not the programmer as we could relatively easily change the firmware. The problem is that the cable itself handles the PID requests and then forwards the data upstream to the programmer. Unfortunately, there is no TFT PID (or other useful PIDs) in the cable so the programmer isn't able to access that particular data. The website is pretty clear on what PIDs are available for each programmer (http://www.phptune.com/_Ford_F-Serie...e_Vehicle.html) and if there was any misunderstanding in that regard then I certainly do apologize.

Take care.
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