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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Thu, April 30th, 2009, 11:34 PM
Justin Justin is offline
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Default Few questions...

K...got a few different questions here. First of all does anyone know what the current wait time is on custom tunes?( I ordered about a month ago) Second, if I have say 85 octane gas in my truck and decide i want to run a different tune, can I use octane booster of some kind? And last, has anyone ran the stock performance tune with a CAI? I know your not really supposed to because it can lean it out, but will it throw a code or will something worse happen? Also does elevation have an effect on this, I'm pretty high up. Thanks ahead of time.
Old Fri, May 1st, 2009, 12:25 AM
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1. Wait time on customs 7-10 weeks. They want the wait to be at 4 weeks.

2. Octane booster: I use it in my motorcycle with a tuner but it might work or may not work with the tunes?

3. Ok to run level 2 tow tune canned. This tune runs richer than the other 2 canned tunes. But don't run your truck at WOT until customs come

4. Elevation ? How high?

5. Throwing codes?

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Old Fri, May 1st, 2009, 12:47 AM
JWBFX4 JWBFX4 is offline
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Well just to throw my two cents in, Im susposed to get my tunes this week, so that makes a lil over 11 weeks. Im not sure if I would trust the octane booster stuff, just because if it dont bring it up there would probably be some pinging.

Me personally, I wouldn't really chance the cai on level 3...I would just wait. But like lar's said you can use it on level 2 for right now.

Im not exactly sure how on elevation affects the timing and fuel, but I would make sure you let Bill know about it for the custom tunes.
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Old Fri, May 1st, 2009, 11:38 AM
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I would not run Level 3 with the CAI. Use Level 2 only, until you get your custom tunes, or, take the CAI off.

Elevation reduces the tendency of fuel to preignite (ping), so you are effectively using 87 octane gas. I'm going to guess that you are in the 5-6000 ft elevation range? I've driven all over Colorado using their 85 octane gas and not had any problems.

I've read quite a bit about octane boosters and what I've read tells me you would have to put a lot of the stuff in a truck to get any real octane boost. A bike has a much smaller tank, so they may work better there, but I'd stay away from them in cars or trucks.

If you really want to run a high octane performance tune, make sure the tank is filled with high octane gas.

- Jack

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Old Fri, May 1st, 2009, 01:36 PM
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I just wanted to add some things about the octane boosters. The only one I use is "rocket fuel" and it is endorsed by Harley-Davidson. I was all gunho on when I modded my bike and I never thought about little things like "where is the next town that has 91+ octane". So I have to use it. I do wish a gryphon could be put on a HD though. But like others posted before I wouldn't run it in my truck. More of gimmick in a vehicle the size of a truck.

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