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2004 to 2008 F-150 and Mark-LT
4.2L, 4.6L and 5.4L equipped F-150s and Mark-LTs.

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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 12:12 PM
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Question Downshifting

OK, here's my first "dumb" question. It may apply to all vehicles, but I'll start it here.

I'm cruising down the highway at around 75mph with the speed control set and in overdrive. The rpms are in the neighborhood of 1800-1900. I come to a hill, not a big hill, but one that's maybe 2-3% grade and one I'll be on for about 20-30 seconds. Partway up the hill, the rpms increase to maybe 2300-2400 (I really need to document this more closely and I'm going off the vehicle's tach, not the one in the Gryphon). Anyway, the speed is maintained without problem to the crest of the hill and then the rpms drop again as I get over the top. Here's the question(s):
1. Is the rpm increase caused by the truck dropping out of overdrive, or is it because the torque converter is unlocking? Or, is it both?

2. There really doesn't seem to be that much load on the engine prior to the rpm increase and there is a lot of potential throttle increase remaining. If the truck had a manual transmission, I would never even consider downshifting in this situation, I'd just open the throttle a bit more. In fact, my Honda Accord (also an automatic) would go over this hill, maintaining speed, without the rpms increasing, and it's only a 4-cyl. Is there any way to delay this rpm surge until it's really needed?
It really bugs me that this truck, with its great big engine, wants to up the rpms for added torque so quickly.

Is there any "user" setting on the Gryphon (such as 4-3 downshift or 4-3 torque converter unlock) that might "calm things down" a bit? Or, is this something that has to be "programmed" into the tune? Or finally, is this just something I have to live with?

I guess I really think that this truck seems too "eager" to "downshift" at any speed, when the throttle is depressed a bit. And, I'm not talking about moving the accelerator halfway (or more) down to pass someone here. But I'd just as soon see less activity out of the transmission for "ordinary" cruising.

Hope what I'm asking makes sense!

- Jack

2024 F150 Platinum SCrew 3.5L PowerBoost FX4, Peragon Tonneau Cover, LineX Bed, 35% Window Tint on All Sides and Rear, Full Nose Paint Protection Film, Husky Mud Guards, Lasfit Floor Liners, VIOFO Dash Cam
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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 04:34 PM
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Hey Jack, I would set the PID for your trans gear to display and watch it. It sounds like the torque converter is unlocking for the grade then locking back up after. You will see a little lock appear when converter locks up. You will also be able to see if it's down shifting but that would be pretty obvious.
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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by bangingd View Post
Hey Jack, I would set the PID for your trans gear to display and watch it. It sounds like the torque converter is unlocking for the grade then locking back up after. You will see a little lock appear when converter locks up. You will also be able to see if it's down shifting but that would be pretty obvious.
Thanks, bangingd. I feel it's probably the torque converter too. I suspect the transmission downshifting from 4th to 3rd would be a much bigger rpm change. I like your suggestion, but I can't figure out which PID to display. The only ones I know of that directly relate to transmission gearing are the OSS and TSS (Output and Turbine Shaft Speeds). I used to monitor these when I first got the programmer, but decided they weren't telling me a whole lot. Is it one (or both) of these? (And if so, I don't ever remember seeing a "lock" but this could be another of my "senior moments").

- Jack

2024 F150 Platinum SCrew 3.5L PowerBoost FX4, Peragon Tonneau Cover, LineX Bed, 35% Window Tint on All Sides and Rear, Full Nose Paint Protection Film, Husky Mud Guards, Lasfit Floor Liners, VIOFO Dash Cam
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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 09:17 PM
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I rebuilt the latest files I had for you and set up a target update so you can have all the latest goodies. This will give you the new datalogging features as well as the new "Metric" display capabilities (not the Metric is very useful in the US).

To monitor gear and lockup, go to [Menu], [Setup], [Display Settings], [4 Segment Digital], and then select which segment you want to change. Scroll down to "GEAR" and press [Enter]. Select [Set as Display] and then return to the main display. It should now display what gear you are in and also display a little "lock" symbol when the converter is locked.

As for the issue, I agree that it is most likely the converter strategy causing the problems. If you were to go into the Custom Options and lower the 4th Gear Converter Unlock a couple miles an hour, it may improve or even completely resolve the issue. If it improves but doesn't go away completely, I can further refine the strategy to eliminate it.

Hope this helps.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post

I rebuilt the latest files I had for you and set up a target update so you can have all the latest goodies. This will give you the new datalogging features as well as the new "Metric" display capabilities (not the Metric is very useful in the US).

To monitor gear and lockup, go to [Menu], [Setup], [Display Settings], [4 Segment Digital], and then select which segment you want to change. Scroll down to "GEAR" and press [Enter]. Select [Set as Display] and then return to the main display. It should now display what gear you are in and also display a little "lock" symbol when the converter is locked.

As for the issue, I agree that it is most likely the converter strategy causing the problems. If you were to go into the Custom Options and lower the 4th Gear Converter Unlock a couple miles an hour, it may improve or even completely resolve the issue. If it improves but doesn't go away completely, I can further refine the strategy to eliminate it.

Hope this helps.
Aw, Bill - you're just TOO good to me! (In a "manly" sort of way)!

I'll run right out and pull my Gryphon (after setting it back to stock of course) to download the updates.

bangingd had PM'd me about these changes and I was going to ask about it in an email with a "no hurry" caveat, but here you are before I can even think of what I was going to ask for!

Thanks bunches!

- Jack
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Old Mon, December 1st, 2008, 11:47 PM
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OK - think I've got it! When you said "Gear", that means "Comm Gear", right? I see it shows "1" with the engine off. And, I see you relabeled Inst MPG as "Inst Economy" and Avg MPG as "Avg Economy" too (just to keep us on our toes, I bet).

It's too late now for us 's, so I'll take it out for a test drive tomorrow.

Bill, I DO appreciate the support you give us. I think I join with everyone in this sentiment.

- Jack
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Old Tue, December 2nd, 2008, 03:20 PM
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OK - a little followup: I like being able to see the current gear and the TC status in the Gryphon. I'll probably keep monitoring that as well as the TFT and Battery. I was interested in how the TC unlocks as soon as you come off the gas pedal a bit - I had not expected that behavior.

I've only driven it on the country roads around where we live so far. The nearest interstate is about 14 miles away. I seem to be getting a more "locked" state in the TC so far by having the 4th gear lock set at -5 and the 4th gear unlock set at -7.

I was also fascinated at how quickly the truck would shift all the way up to 4th on light acceleration from a standstill. I think that's part of how you tuned it Bill, and it "feels" right! Before I had the PID to confirm things, I thought it was shifting that way, but since the shifts are so "light" at these throttle pressures (just the standard, "keep up with traffic" acceleration), I wasn't really sure.

I'll probably experiment more with the lock and unlock settings, for all the gears now as well as, possibly the part throttle shift points.

Anyway, thanks again! I think, Bill, your modifications to the Gryphon are really adding to its value.

- Jack
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Old Tue, December 2nd, 2008, 08:02 PM
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Thanks, Jack. I'm glad those help.

Yeah, I had to change MPG to Economy for those crazy guys up north! All that metric stuff is SOOO confusing.

Anyway, keep us posted and if we need to make any more revisions, let me know.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

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Old Mon, December 15th, 2008, 12:07 AM
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I've noticed too how the tq conv unlocks easily when slightly letting of the gas to coast down a small slope. Then when you slightly press the gas pedal, the rpms are too high for the current speed for a few seconds. I find this strange too.
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Old Mon, December 15th, 2008, 05:02 AM
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I think the TC unlocking and locking with the gas pedal being let up is a Ford thing I believe.Pretty sure I read a thing once that Bill posted about it.Its real noticable with my PSD.
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