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2004 to 2008 F-150 and Mark-LT
4.2L, 4.6L and 5.4L equipped F-150s and Mark-LTs.

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Old Tue, January 20th, 2009, 02:49 PM
lincolnmarklt2006 lincolnmarklt2006 is offline
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Default canned tunes Mark LT?

Hello I'm new to this forum, I owne a 2006 Lincoln Mark LT. My question is will this Gryphon canned tunes work for my Mark LT? I only have Gibson Super Sport Exhaust & stock box K&N filter. I want a tune to wake up my transmission and gain more hp, I want to use 91 octane. I don't tow any thing. Thanks again looking ford in getting a tune from you guys. Daniel B
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Old Tue, January 20th, 2009, 08:29 PM
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The Gryphon does work on the Mark LT. So does the Evolution for that matter. Some of the very early released had an issue where the PCM wasn't correctly identified but that has long since been resolved.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

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Old Wed, January 21st, 2009, 12:50 AM
lincolnmarklt2006 lincolnmarklt2006 is offline
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post

The Gryphon does work on the Mark LT. So does the Evolution for that matter. Some of the very early released had an issue where the PCM wasn't correctly identified but that has long since been resolved.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
thanks you for the reply, how much would it cost for a canned tune for my mark lt? thanks again.
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Old Wed, January 21st, 2009, 03:30 AM
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The Gryphon for the Mark LT is the same as the F150... $399.00 plus shipping. Of course, we can always mark it up for you. After all, it is a Lincoln!

Take care.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

Power Hungry Performance - The ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
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Old Wed, January 21st, 2009, 02:35 PM
lincolnmarklt2006 lincolnmarklt2006 is offline
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post
The Gryphon for the Mark LT is the same as the F150... $399.00 plus shipping. Of course, we can always mark it up for you. After all, it is a Lincoln!

Take care.
Thanks again, I ask because on the edge web site it says does Not work on LT, so I thought they would have diffrent computers for calbrations and diffrent price, edge web page should correct this on the web site, I thought I had to go with superchips, thanks again look forward in ordeing gryphon thanks again.
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