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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 11:16 AM
tadams11201 tadams11201 is offline
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Default Gryphon wont connect after cam phaser replacement


Last edited by tadams11201; Thu, August 12th, 2010 at 09:00 PM.
Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 12:16 PM
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Nobody's gonna blast you for wanting help. As it goes, we spend much of our days on the phone so for some people it often ends up being phone-tag for a while.

Now to the root of the problem... why is the Gryphon not connection to Pegasus? What error message(s) are you receiving? Also, did Ford update your ECM when they replaced the cam phasers?

I'll be in touch as quickly as possible to discuss.

Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

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Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 12:23 PM
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I know this isn't "General Support" but I started your own thread for you and your problems any ways. So it can get the attention it deserves.


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Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 12:38 PM
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Last edited by tadams11201; Thu, August 12th, 2010 at 09:02 PM.
Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by tadams11201 View Post
Okay, I uninstalled the software and reinstalled.. presto! It now picks it up. Now, my question is... when I go to updates.. I get a prompt that states calibration updates available and firmware updates available. When I try to update either, I get a prompt that states, if I am reading it correctly, I will lose my custom tunes. I am looking for any updates that deal with this 'miss' issue and was hoping any file fixes could be downloaded automatically without having to trouble yall. I guess my two questions are... has this issue been addressed and will fixes to any problems be pushed out to our software with updates? My hex code is RXCM6E7. I have a 2005 f150 5.4l 4 x 4.

Oh and BTW, def props on the quick response. Wow. I am having so much trouble fixing my truck. I am the one that dealer replaced cam phasers as timing problem. Timing is retarding into the negatives even with power programmer (like -3 and -4) and this is when I notice the miss. Last thoughts are maybe corrupt files and wanting to try downloading the custom tunes that I paid for again. Suggestions?
First, go ahead and update the firmware if you see there's an update available for that, but DO NOT update the "calibrations". (Updating calibrations wipes out your custom tunes and replaces them with canned tunes.)

You of course need to have set your truck back to stock before changing anything in the Gryphon.

Then, do you still get the poor performance out of your truck when it's running at stock? If so, the problems with the truck and not the tunes. The dealer needs to get this right for you - take it back to them (in the stock setting).

If, however, the truck runs fine at stock, (except it's not much fun ) but "acts up" with the tune, after you've upgraded the firmware, then something probably needs to be adjusted in your tunes. Bill will have to get back with you.

Hope this helps. (And I wouldn't worry too much about what you see monitoring timing. I seem to recall other people saying it goes all over the place depending on engine load.)

- Jack

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Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 12:50 PM
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As long as your truck is programmed to stock then go ahead and update the programmer. After you update you will have the three canned tunes. Then you go to [Download Custom Tunes](or something like that) and then pegasus will replace the canned tunes with the custom.

And like Jack said, if it doesn't run correctly in stock then take it back to whoever changed it out for you.
Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 01:00 PM
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You CAN do what Longshot suggests too, if you (or Bill) suspects your tunes may be corrupt. I think I'd try just a firmware update first though.

When you program your truck after any of these changes, skip the "Custom Options menu". This will allow the Gryphon to build correct stock files.

- Jack
Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 01:14 PM
tadams11201 tadams11201 is offline
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Default Help!

Guys, you have all been great. I will give this a shot later today. If anyone knows what would cause retarded timing in stock trim.. please give some advice. Neither dealership here can figure it out cause not throwing codes. Both state that cold air intake alone shouldn't cause retarded timing and so did K & N. Trying to stay calm and not take hammer to it. Dealer had it for FIVE weeks waiting on parts.

Again, the best members on the best forum...
Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 01:46 PM
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Did the dealer check your 5.4L's injectors?
Just a thought.

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Old Tue, April 6th, 2010, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by tadams11201 View Post
Timing is retarding into the negatives even with power programmer (like -3 and -4) and this is when I notice the miss. Last thoughts are maybe corrupt files and wanting to try downloading the custom tunes that I paid for again. Suggestions?

When you get a moment, can you grab some data for me? I need the following:


This will be extremely helpful in diagnosing what's going on with the spark. Under heavy acceleration, negative numbers are not unusual at all. However, if you're seeing less that 10-16 degrees under moderate load then something is amiss (no pun intended).

If you could go to the datalogging menu, set up the datalog to read those values, and then run a datalog session it will store up to about 6 minutes of data on the programmer. You can then use Pegasus to pull the data off the unit and send me the file for examination.

I'm curious if you may have a faulty knock sensor or if maybe the knock sensor is picking up some random noise and interpreting it as knock and yanking out timing.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

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