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Phoenix Switch-On-The-Fly Chip (DISCOUNTINUED) (Disabled)
Power Hungry no longer sells the Phoenix/TS chip, but if you need custom tuning we can recommend a few really good tuners that will be able to still provide tuning and support for your chip.

If you have any other questions or comments about the Phoenix/TS chip, please post it here.

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Old Tue, May 22nd, 2012, 02:29 PM
Highbeam Highbeam is offline
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Default Remove gold grounding tab on PCM

So I installed the chip and followed directions exactly except there are some errors. The directions say to remove the 6 case screws and not put them back. Well, I feel pretty good about putting the case screws back. The directions also say to remove the gold PCM grounding tab and the black plug on the PCM. Okay, the plug makes sense but the gold ground tab too? I followed the directions and did not reinstall the ground but I would like to verify that the directions are correct here.

Remove the gold ground tab or leave it there?

Love the chip, the power is great and the trans shifting is very great.
Old Tue, May 22nd, 2012, 05:51 PM
INFRNL INFRNL is offline
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Originally Posted by Highbeam View Post
So I installed the chip and followed directions exactly except there are some errors. The directions say to remove the 6 case screws and not put them back. Well, I feel pretty good about putting the case screws back. The directions also say to remove the gold PCM grounding tab and the black plug on the PCM. Okay, the plug makes sense but the gold ground tab too? I followed the directions and did not reinstall the ground but I would like to verify that the directions are correct here.

Remove the gold ground tab or leave it there?

Love the chip, the power is great and the trans shifting is very great.
what kind of errors are you having? or you are talking about the screws and gnd tab?

I still have my gnd tab and seems to work. I do not recall seeing the instructions you mentioned. I will have to relook at them.; I actually probably didn't read the instructions since I have installed a few chips before.

I imagine the gnd tab is there for a reason, but IDK.
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Old Tue, May 22nd, 2012, 07:47 PM
Highbeam Highbeam is offline
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The instructions tell you to remove and save the case screws, black plug, and the ground tab in case you need to return to stock.

It makes no sense to remove the case screws, removing the black plug is required for obvious reasons, and the ground tab I am not certain about. Though the directions require removal, I am unsure.

I am having no errors. I found at least one error in the instructions.

The chip is working very well, I love it. I tow an RV trailer in relatively remote areas with my family and don't want to break down on the road.
Old Tue, May 22nd, 2012, 08:24 PM
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Nitpick much?

The reason the instructions don't say to put the ground tab back in is because you don't want to try to bolt the PCM carrier back into the bracket if you didn't cut a hole in the carrier. Yes, I realize that the instructions do not say to cut a hole in the carrier, but if you bolt the carrier back onto the bracket without cutting a hole (large enough for the entire back of the chip to poke through), then the chip will have pressure on it that can cause connectivity issues. THAT is why the instructions do not list putting the ground tab back on. I can only assume that Bill figured common sense would prevail when reassembling the PCM case so the instructions not telling people to reinstall the six case bolts may have been omitted. But then again, common sense isn't really common anymore.

I may make a few amendments in the instructions just to save some more frustration in the future.
Old Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 02:23 PM
Highbeam Highbeam is offline
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Uh oh, you mean to tell me that I needed to cut out the back of the black plastic bracket? I cut a small slot to allow the cord to pass through but not big enough to allow removal of the chip. No problems with reassambly. I know you do thousands of these but I've never installed a chip and the instructions did not instruct me to do this. Really, the instructions should have been complete. Now I guess I need to tear back into this thing and cut out the black plastic.

There's a difference between nit pick and insufficient guidance. No it is not common sense among those of us that don't have experience installing chips.

I'm a bit dissapointed. The instructions are wrong and incomplete and you try and accuse me of nit picking.
Old Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 02:29 PM
moto_shop moto_shop is offline
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I had the same question when installing my chip. This has very little to do with common sense or nitpicking and more to do with the fact that people dont want to ruin an expensive PCM or break down a long ways from home. Most people, including myself, have no idea how electronics work, and when its not spelled out in detail, we get a little nervous. The question was asked because we're not the experts and haven't installed hundreds of these. We want to make sure we're doing it right, which shouldn't imply we weren't gifted with your and Bill's level of common sense.
Old Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 02:49 PM
Highbeam Highbeam is offline
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Here's another set of instructions from dieselmanor for the TS chip.


Hmmm, same chip but different instructions. They indicate to reinstall the gold ground tab and also state that the black plastic needs to not be cut out and that it is there to hold the chip in place.

I don't know. I don't want to screw this thing up and I can follow instructions.
Old Tue, May 29th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Highbeam Highbeam is offline
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Based on Cleatus' advice I will go ahead and cut out the back of the black plastic PCM bracket and then reinstall the ground tab. Shouldn't take long and that should prevent the black plastic case from putting too much pressure on the chip which may cause issues with the PHP chip.
Old Tue, May 29th, 2012, 05:12 PM
machete31 machete31 is offline
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Trust me, you'll want to cut the black plastic case. It WILL cause connection issues. I tried to get away without cutting a big hole and the chip didn't work cause the plastic was pushing the chip and causing no connection. I then removed everything again, cut the plastic and everything worked great. Glad it worked out that way, as I found out the tranny had upgrades so I needed to pull the chip to get it reburned and it made that task much simpler, as I now don't need to pull the entire PCM to get to the chip.
Now if Bill would just reburn that thing and get it back to me I'd be a much happier camper!!! Bill you out there!!!

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