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2004 to 2008 F-150 and Mark-LT
4.2L, 4.6L and 5.4L equipped F-150s and Mark-LTs.

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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by kokopellimotorsports View Post
Excellent work people. I am working on a tech section on my website and would like your permission to post this up Jack, and anyone else that would be willing to have it posted. Thanks. I just removed the snorkel and left it open in the engine compartment.
Feel free to post anything I've talked about kokopelli - It's NOT copyrighted and it wasn't even my idea. Just my implementation. I've also added an album in my "Albums" on this forum that shows this mod and I've included dimensions in the captions. You may want to look at that too.

I wonder if removing the snorkel and leaving the intake open in the engine compartment is a good idea though? Wouldn't that tend to draw "warm" (less dense) air into the engine, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of an improved intake?

- Jack
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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
Feel free to post anything I've talked about kokopelli - It's NOT copyrighted and it wasn't even my idea. Just my implementation. I've also added an album in my "Albums" on this forum that shows this mod and I've included dimensions in the captions. You may want to look at that too.

I wonder if removing the snorkel and leaving the intake open in the engine compartment is a good idea though? Wouldn't that tend to draw "warm" (less dense) air into the engine, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of an improved intake?

- Jack
Thanks for the info. I will check out your Album.

As far as the hot air, this probably could be an issue, but most cold air intakes set their filter right in the compartment. Though I do agree with the logic of colder denser air. With your write up I will probably do much the same as you.
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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by kokopellimotorsports View Post
Thanks for the info. I will check out your Album.

As far as the hot air, this probably could be an issue, but most cold air intakes set their filter right in the compartment. Though I do agree with the logic of colder denser air. With your write up I will probably do much the same as you.
Some of the pictures I've seen show the filter in a kind of "box" that looks like it's there to isolate the intake area somewhat from the engine heat. It's also possible that when moving, the whole thing is a moot point anyway due to the airflow through the engine compartment (as long as you keep the intake away from the flow through the radiator).

- Jack
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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 02:44 PM
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Again, when I get questions about leaving the end of the tube open, I always end up going back to the 60's & 70's cars that had air cleaners with the snorkel that barely made it past the valve covers.

From a performance aspect, cooler air is always more desirable than warmer air. Although, like Jack, I wonder just how much warmer the air really is getting in the intake tube when blasting along at 70 MPH. This would be an easy thing to validate since the programmers have ACT in the PIDS. If it was less than 10º difference, I'd wonder just how necessary it really is to complete the tube connection to the fender.

As for CAIs, there's no question they're drawing some amount of warm air from under the hood. Again, a quick check of the ACT before and after installing will give you the final word.
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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 03:28 PM
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Hey Bill, did you get the write-up I emailed you? I did not see a response. Sometimes I wonder if my Hotmail account emails I send don't get eaten by the spam filters.
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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 08:28 PM
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Sorry about that... I am still weeding through e-mails. I did see the one from you but just haven't had a chance to open it and read through it.

We'll get it up along with Jack's and AO's pictures so people can have some nice options to the much expensive CAI kits.

Take care.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

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Old Thu, January 29th, 2009, 08:54 PM
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No problem, just wanted to be sure it didn't get lost in the ether. Thanks for offering to publish it.
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Old Fri, January 30th, 2009, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post
Really? I don't remember doing that... All I said was that someone was going to come to your house and replace your Excursion with a 6.2L Suburban. Talk about misleading!
Atleast it would move under it's own power....
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Old Fri, January 30th, 2009, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post

As for the tuning, you should have no problems with your calibrations at all. Since you are not changing anything in relation to the MAF sensor, everything should be perfectly content once the STF and LTF trims relearn. Relearn could take a day or two depending on your driving.

For what it's worth, the one I did on the 2006 at Edge looked dead like yours.
So Bill what your saying is that we wouldn't have to get NEW TUNES for this Mod? Not like we would if we bought a CAI off the shelf.
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Old Fri, January 30th, 2009, 02:59 PM
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I think I may just remove that snorkel and leave everything else the same for now. I have a piece of 3" flexible PVC on order that I plan to run into the fender and re-attach to the stock intake. I'll post pics if it works. I wanted to find something that would work without sanding the hard pvc to fit the fender. I can only imagine how frustrated I'd become spending 3 hours trying to perfectly sand or grind the pvc pipe to fit. I'll try the flex and let everyone know.
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