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1972 and Older Vintage Vehicles
Basically anything 1972 and older... Before the EPA decided to make everyone install catalytic converters and smog pumps.

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Old Mon, February 15th, 2021, 03:42 PM
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F Your Yankee Blue Jeans
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Somewhere in Montana
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"Are you, uh, enjoying that?"

"Nah. Needs garlic."

Needs a 7.3 GASSER and 10 speed.

I emailed the seller last week and told him the life story of thst Bronco. It's not a 460 but a 429 out of a '72 Thunderbird (so it's a low compression turd) that dad put in after sinking a whole bunch of time and money into the 400 to try to make it more economical. I think it had high-70's for mileage when he put in the 429 that didn't run any better or get better mileage. He put 3.00:1 gears in it, Holley Pro-Jection, Jacobs Ignition, etc. It was at 87K when he let it go.

My mom drove it to work every day for 4 years after dad retired and I drove it a lot to school in the early 90's when I was doing more dumb stuff to my pickup and left it incapable of driving for days at a time.

As a kid I have very fond memories of it pulling a camper (the same one I dragged to GA) and being a freezer in the back while mom and dad were roasting in the front seat during winter trips.

I'll have to start a "parts collection" thread soon.
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