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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
:D Big Grin Big Grin
;) Wink Wink
:'( Sadface Sadface
:( Frown Frown
:cool: Cool Cool
:rofl: Rofl Rofl
:woot: Woot Woot
:hehe: Hehe Hehe
:bow: Bow Bow
:howdy: Howdy Howdy
:cool_beans: Cool Beans Cool Beans
:thumbsup: Thumbsup Thumbsup
:2thumbs: 2thumbs 2thumbs
:thumbsdwn: Thumbsdwn Thumbsdwn
:evillol: Evillol Evillol
:drool2: Drool2 Drool2
:smiley_roll1: Smiley Roll1 Smiley Roll1
:happy-dancing: Happy Dancing Happy Dancing
:shrug: Shrug Shrug
:confused: Confused Confused
:skeptic: Skeptic Skeptic
:rolleyes: Rolleyes Rolleyes
:disbelief: Disbelief Disbelief
:hmmm: Hmmm Hmmm
:embarrassed: Embarrassment Embarrassment
:notallthere: Notallthere Notallthere
:matt-roloff: Matt Roloff Matt Roloff
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:doh: Doh Doh
:sigh: Sigh Sigh
:twitch: Twitch Twitch
:whistle1: Whistle1 Whistle1
:whatthe: Whatthe Whatthe
:zzz: Zzz Zzz
:fyi: Fyi Fyi
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:sick: Sick Sick
:giggle: Giggle Giggle
:cheesy smile: Cheesy Smile Cheesy Smile
:mad2: Mad2 Mad2
:cursin: Cursin Cursin
:censored1: Censored1 Censored1
:raspberry: Raspberry Raspberry
:oh no: Oh No Oh No
:throwup: Throwup Throwup
:shocked: Shocked Shocked
:yikes2: Yikes2 Yikes2
:cry-blow: Cry Blow Cry Blow
:dollar: Dollar Dollar
:help: Help Help
:sos-help: Sos Help Sos Help
:yesnod: Yesnod Yesnod
:nonod: Nonod Nonod
:lookaround2: Lookaround2 Lookaround2
:really-lmao: Really Lmao Really Lmao
:sneaky: Sneaky Sneaky
:thumbs up yellow: Thumbs Up Yellow Thumbs Up Yellow
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:out-on-a-limb: Out On A Limb or Hang In There Out On A Limb or Hang In There
:fart: Fart Fart
:yawning: Yawning Yawning
:oscar: Oscar Oscar
:sour-grapes: Sour Grapes Sour Grapes
:bash-middle-dude: Bash Middle Dude Bash Middle Dude
:rock-band: Rock Band Rock Band
:faint2: Faint2 Faint2
:play-with-truck: Play With Truck Play With Truck
:notsafe: Notsafe Notsafe
:play-in-sandbox Play In The Sandbox Play In The Sandbox
:no-evil: No Evil No Evil
:bluescreen: Bluescreen Bluescreen
:i-love-canada: I Love Canada I Love Canada
:pizzabox: Pizzabox Pizzabox
:flowerz: Flowerz Flowerz
:Money: Money Money
:rimshot: Rimshot Rimshot
:tumbleweed: Tumbleweed Tumbleweed
:bicycling: Bicycling Bicycling
:horror_movie: Horror Movie Horror Movie
:recliner: Recliner Recliner
:paint-picture: Paint Picture Paint Picture
:lightbulb: Lightbulb Lightbulb
:bullcrap: Bullcrap Bullcrap
:overworked: Overworked Overworked
:feardark: Feardark Feardark
:trampoline: Trampoline Trampoline
:crutch-small: Crutch Small Crutch Small
:at-the-helm: At The Helm At The Helm
:cool guitar player: Cool Guitar Player Cool Guitar Player
:showering: Showering Showering
:towel: Towel Towel
:clapper: Clapper Clapper
:falloff: Falloff Falloff
:writing: Writing Writing
:james-bond: James Bond James Bond
:goal: Goal Goal
:thewave: Thewave Thewave
:beam-me-up: Beam Me Up Beam Me Up
:world-peace: World Peace World Peace
:icon-hug: Icon Hug Icon Hug
:shiver: Shiver Shiver
:video-games: Video Games Video Games
:thermo-nurse: Thermo Nurse Thermo Nurse
:snowball-fight: Snowball Fight Snowball Fight
:i-love-georgia: I Love Georgia I Love Georgia
:rockin-dj: Rockin Dj Rockin Dj
:twilight-zone: Twilight Zone Twilight Zone
:head-bang-sign: Head Bang Sign Head Bang Sign
:mowing-the-lawn: Mowing The Lawn Mowing The Lawn
:dueling-banjos: Dueling Banjos Dueling Banjos
:smilie-egg: Smilie Egg Smilie Egg
:i-love-america: I Love America I Love America
:rip: Rip Rip
:turniptruck: Turniptruck Turniptruck
:animated-boxing: Animated Boxing Animated Boxing
:have-mail: Have Mail Have Mail
:fixed: Fixed Fixed
:tennis: Tennis Tennis
:drying-off: Drying Off Drying Off
:smash-dreams: Smash Dreams Smash Dreams
:animated-reading: Animated Reading Animated Reading
:sleepnap: Sleepnap Sleepnap
:hand kiss: Hand Kiss Hand Kiss
:troll: Troll Troll
:bike-and-a-rock: Bike And A Rock Bike And A Rock
:swinging: Swinging Swinging
:bouncingpuck: Bouncingpuck Bouncingpuck
:sk8r-dude: Sk8r Dude Sk8r Dude
:groovyhippie: Groovyhippie Groovyhippie
:treadmill: Treadmill Treadmill
:stir-the-pot: Stir The Pot Stir The Pot
:cool acoustic guita Cool Acoustic Guitar Cool Acoustic Guitar
:transformer: Transformer Transformer
:animatedmegaphone: Animatedmegaphone Animatedmegaphone
:stir-the-pot-2: Stir The Pot 2 Stir The Pot 2
:licking-ice-cream: Licking Ice Cream Licking Ice Cream
:Singin_In_the_Rain: Singin In The Rain Singin In The Rain
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:draws himself: Draws Himself Draws Himself
:unknown comic: Unknown Comic Unknown Comic
:reading: Reading Reading
:spend: Spend Spend
:ugly dude: Ugly Dude Ugly Dude
:superman smiley: Superman Smiley Superman Smiley
:;): ;) ;)
:surprise present: Surprise Present Surprise Present
:playing cards: Playing Cards Playing Cards
:dogkiss: Dog Kiss Dog Kiss
:in jail: In Jail In Jail
:smiley in a bottle: Smiley In A Bottle Smiley In A Bottle
:happy picket: Happy Picket Happy Picket
:don't smiley: Don't Smiley Don't Smiley
:afro pick: Afro Pick Afro Pick
:connie_mini_bump: Connie Mini Bump Connie Mini Bump
:caught fishing: Caught Fishing Caught Fishing
:bighug: Bighug Bighug
:new hippy: New Hippy New Hippy
:peace: Peace Sign Peace Sign
:watchtvandlaugh: Watching Tv Laughing Watching Tv Laughing
:watching tv: Watching Tv Watching Tv
:youve got mail: Youve Got Mail Youve Got Mail
:checkmail: Checkmail Checkmail
:havemail: Havemail Havemail
:take a picture: Take A Picture Take A Picture
:pics: Pics Pics
:crib: Crib Crib
:pregnant: Pregnant Pregnant
:crib boy: Crib Boy Crib Boy
:crying baby: Crying Baby Crying Baby
:princess: Princess Princess
:king: King King
:knight: Knight Knight
:jester: Jester Jester
:ithankyou: I Thank You I Thank You
:tyty: Tyty Tyty
:feedcat: Feedcat Feedcat
:dogsled: Dogsled Dogsled
:dogperson: Dogperson Dogperson
:catlady: Catlady Catlady
:feeddog: Feeddog Feeddog
:evil: Evil Evil
:good: Good Good
:hippy: Hippy Hippy
:1hippy: 1hippy 1hippy
:1disguise: 1disguise 1disguise
:hiding: Hiding Hiding
:pooped: Pooped Pooped
:nap: Nap Nap
:dream: Dream Dream
:underbed: Underbed Underbed
:tucked: Tucked Tucked
:bedtime: Bedtime Bedtime
:sleepwalk: Sleepwalk Sleepwalk
:pjs: Pjs Pjs
:nitenite: Nitenite Nitenite
:asleep: Asleep Asleep
:snoring: Snoring Snoring
:Count_Sheep: Count Sheep Count Sheep
:voices: Voices Voices
:rclady: Rclady Rclady
:geezer: Geezer Geezer
:old-dude-wheelchair Old Dude Wheelchair Old Dude Wheelchair
:oldlady: Oldlady Oldlady
:old: Old Man Old Man
:rcman: Rcman Rcman
:comppunch2: Computer Punch 2 Computer Punch 2
:bound: Bound Bound
:compute: Compute Compute
:control: Control Control
:stupidcomputer: Stupid Computer Stupid Computer
:laptop: Laptop Laptop
:postwhore: Postwhore Postwhore
:aak: Asleep at the computer Asleep at the computer
:break: Take a Break Feet Up Take a Break Feet Up
:mad_doctor: Mad Doctor Mad Doctor
:comppunch1: Computer Punch 1 Computer Punch 1
:wc: Wc Wc
:wiggle: Wiggle Wiggle
:invisible: Invisible Invisible
:redspotdance: Red Spot Dance Red Spot Dance
:innocent: Innocent Innocent
:caveman: Caveman Caveman
:present: Present Present
:sherlock: Sherlock Sherlock
:pray: Pray Pray
:graduate: Graduate Graduate
:phone: Phone Phone
:reddevil: Reddevil Reddevil
:devilwink: Devil Wink Devil Wink
:devil: Devil Devil
:angel2: Angel2 Angel2
:1angel3: 1angel3 1angel3
:bdayhat: Birthday Hat Birthday Hat
:time: Time Time
:toytruck: Toy Truck Toy Truck
:magic: Magic Magic
:tornado: Tornado Tornado
:bang: Bang Bang
:halo_unplugged: Halo Unplugged Halo Unplugged
:xray: Xray Xray
:toiletclaw: Toilet Claw Toilet Claw
:drama: Drama Drama
:aieee: Aieee Aieee
:mugshot: Mugshot Mugshot
:digging: Digging Digging
:match: Match Match
:love: Love Love
:tv: Tv Tv
:jumprope: Jumprope Jumprope
:horsepoop: Horsepoop Horsepoop
:rocker: Rocker Rocker
:suitcase: Suitcase Suitcase
:soakfeet: Soakfeet Soakfeet
:laundry: Laundry Laundry
:ohnoes: Oh no Oh no
:slide: Slide Slide
:rummage: Rummage Rummage
:hairpulling: Hairpulling Hairpulling
:woohoo: Woo Hoo Woo Hoo
:thisjustin: Thisjustin Thisjustin
:portopot: Portopotty Portopotty
:deal: Deal Deal
:humor: Humor Humor
:beg: Beg Beg
:watch: Watch Watch
:brushteeth: Brush Teeth Brush Teeth
:kuku: Kuku Kuku
:fridge: Fridge Fridge
:bye: Bye Bye
:pokepoop: Pokepoop Pokepoop
:moon: Moon Moon
:daydream: Daydream Daydream
:allalone: Allalone Allalone
:stormcloud: Stormcloud Stormcloud
:busy: Busy Busy
:banned: Banned Banned
:lampshade: Lampshade Lampshade
:bsflag: BS Flag BS Flag
:bolt: Gotta Bolt Gotta Bolt
:gun: Gun Gun
:mop: Mop Mop
:surrender: Surrender Surrender
:wall: Wall Wall
:eat: Eat Eat
:shopping: Shopping Shopping
:sauna: Sauna Sauna
:knock: Knock Knock
:chalk: Chalk Chalk
:brightidea: brightidea brightidea
:dishwasher: Dishwasher Dishwasher
:potty: Potty Potty
:vacuum: Vacuum Vacuum
:nono: Nono Nono
:liar: Liar Liar
:nya-nya2: Nya Nya2 Nya Nya2
:readthis: Readthis Readthis
:dishes: Dishes Dishes
:urhere: Urhere Urhere
:applearm: Apple Arm Apple Arm
:bangwall: Bang Wall Bang Wall
:newspaper: Newspaper Newspaper
:chained: Chained Chained
:alien: Alien Alien
:rockwoot: Rockwoot Rockwoot
:rtfm: R.T.F.M. R.T.F.M.
:rules: Rules Rules
:soapbox: Soapbox Soapbox
:rant-on-off: Rant On Off Rant On Off
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:dip: Dip Dip
:frypan: Frypan Frypan
:three stoogies: Three Stoogies Three Stoogies
:cushion2: Cushion2 Cushion2
:stretcher: Stretcher Stretcher
:boo: Boo Boo
:shake: Shake Hands Shake Hands
:hideme: Hideme Hideme
:1mob: 1mob 1mob
:measure: Measure Measure
:pity party: Pity Party Pity Party
:hiall: Hiall Hiall
:debate: Debate Debate
:group hug: Group Hug Group Hug
:getpizza: Getpizza Getpizza
:hottub: Hottub Hottub
:protest2: Protest2 Protest2
:earthhug: Earthhug Earthhug
:grouphugg: Grouphugg Grouphugg
:massage: Massage Massage
:cuddle: Cuddle Cuddle
:teeter: Teeter totter seesaw Teeter totter seesaw
:voting: Voting Voting
:footmsg: Footmsg Footmsg
:gunfight: Gunfight Gunfight
:trip: Trip Trip
:inline: Inline Inline
:marsh: Marsh Marsh
:crowded: Crowded Crowded
:parentwchild: Parentwchild Parentwchild
:stargazing: Stargazing Stargazing
:bdparty: Birthday Party Cake Birthday Party Cake
:badday: Badday Badday
:group: Group Group
:holdhands: Holdhands Holdhands
:whisper: Whisper Whisper
:1grouphug: Group Hug 1 Group Hug 1
:slap: Slap Slap
:reunion: Reunion Reunion
:1argue: 1argue 1argue
:coaster: Coaster Coaster
:gangup: Gangup Gangup
:mall: Mall Mall
:wetwilly: Wetwilly Wetwilly
:hangingout: Hangingout Hangingout
:pillowfight: Pillowfight Pillowfight
:ignore: Ignore Ignore
:wed: Wed Wed
:tap: Tap Tap
:cyberlove: Cyberlove Cyberlove
:kiss: Kiss Kiss
:bump: Bump Bump
:baldspot: Baldspot Baldspot
:grouphug: Group Hug Group Hug
:trio: Trio Trio
:lurking: Lurking Lurking
:gethim: Get Him Get Him
:seesaw: Seesaw Seesaw
:whack: Whack Whack
:nutkick: Nutkick Nutkick
:Wedgie: Wedgie Wedgie
:buttkick: Butt Kick Butt Kick
:punish: Punish Punish
:poke: Poke Poke
:haha: Haha Haha
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:camera: Camera Camera
:outhouse: Outhouse Outhouse
:barts butt: Barts Butt Barts Butt
:arrowl: Arrowl Arrowl
:lunar: Lunar Lunar
:smartass: Smartass Smartass
:rainbow: Rainbow Rainbow
:bandaid: Bandaid Bandaid
:spinning clock: Spinning Clock Spinning Clock
:1dollar: 1dollar 1dollar
:at the computer: At The Computer At The Computer
:cuffs: Cuffs Cuffs
:stopsign: Stopsign Stopsign
:snoopy: Snoopy Snoopy
:blinky skull: Blinky Skull Blinky Skull
:lava lamp: Lava Lamp Lava Lamp
:lips: Lips Lips
:doghouse: Doghouse Doghouse
:gryphon: Gryphon Gryphon
:bed: Bed Bed
:canada: Canada Canada
:alien in jar: Alien In Jar Alien In Jar
:dancing banana: Dancing Banana Dancing Banana
:weakest link: Weakest Link Weakest Link
:map: Map Map
:star: Star Star
:minniemouse: Minniemouse Minniemouse
:computer_error: Computer Error Computer Error
:pills: Pills Pills
:dancing daisy: Dancing Daisy Dancing Daisy
:treefort: Treefort Treefort
:wavey flag: Wavey Flag Wavey Flag
:crayons: Crayons Crayons
:8ball: 8ball 8ball
:palm: Palm Palm
:earth: Earth Earth
:mickeymouse: Mickeymouse Mickeymouse
:bomb: Bomb Bomb
:applelogo: Apple Logo Apple Logo
:daffodil: Daffodil Daffodil
:gosign: Gosign Gosign
:duct: Duct Duct
:splat: Splat Splat
:lifepreserver: Lifepreserver Lifepreserver
:bat: Bat Bat
:target: Target Target
:brain: Brain Brain
:blues bros: Blues Bros Blues Bros
:cell phone: Cell Phone Cell Phone
:superman s: Superman S Superman S
:arrowr: Arrowr Arrowr
:bulbon: Bulb On Bulb On
:bulboff: Bulb Off Bulb Off
:new: New New
:turboflame: Turboflame Turboflame
:fordsm: Fordsm Fordsm
:2cents: 2 Cents 2 Cents
:turbosmoke: Turbosmoke Turbosmoke
:tshirt: Tshirt Tshirt
:daisy3: Daisy3 Daisy3
:daisy2: Daisy2 Daisy2
:daisy: Daisy Daisy
:padlock: Padlock Padlock
:balloon: Balloon Balloon
:koolaid: Koolaid Koolaid
:peaceflag: Peaceflag Peaceflag
:chargerspin: Chargerspin Chargerspin
:skellington: Skellington Skellington
:calvin: Calvin Calvin
:joecool: Joecool Joecool
:hobbes: Hobbes Hobbes
:marvin the martian: Marvin The Martian Marvin The Martian
:robin: Robin Robin
:batman: Batman Batman
:gonzo: Gonzo Gonzo
:the tick: The Tick The Tick
:mysterymachine: Mysterymachine Mysterymachine
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:thats_funny: Thats Funny Thats Funny
:oops: Oops Oops
:ohsnap: Oh Snap! Oh Snap!
:peace sign smile: Peace Sign Smile Peace Sign Smile
:wrongforum: Wrong Forum Wrong Forum
:tmi: Too Much Info Too Much Info
:nothingfunny: Nothing Funny To Add Nothing Funny To Add
:badidea: Bad Idea Bad Idea
:whyme: Why Me Why Me
:gotrice: Got Rice Got Rice
:i care: I Care I Care
:gotpm: Got PM Got PM
:im sorry: Im Sorry Im Sorry
:whathesaid: What He Said What He Said
:sorrysign: Sorry Sign Sorry Sign
:phprulez: PHP Rulez! PHP Rulez!
:groan: Groan! Groan!
:didimiss: What did I miss? What did I miss?
:jk: Joke Joke
:teknology: Teknology Teknology
:snapoutofit: Snapoutofit Snapoutofit
:backtotopic: Back to Topic Back to Topic
:wtfsign: Wtfsign Wtfsign
:help1: Help1 Help1
:funnypost: Funny Post Funny Post
:weloveourcustomers: We Love Our Customers! We Love Our Customers!
:fordbanner: Ford Banner Ford Banner
:cool2: Cool2 Cool2
:agree: Agree Agree
:judges-10: Judges 10 Judges 10
:yourock: You Rock You Rock
:clap: Clap Clap
:huzzah: Huzzah Huzzah
:congratulations: Congratulations Congratulations
:hooray: Hooray Hooray
:high-five: High Five High Five
:dancing-girl: Dancing Girl Dancing Girl
:joyful: Joyful Joyful
:conga: Conga Conga
:the-wave: The Wave The Wave
:party2: Party2 Party2
:limbo: Limbo Limbo
:1party: 1party 1party
:danceline: Danceline Danceline
:cancan: Cancan Cancan
:multistars: Multi Stars Multi Stars
:party-confetti: Party Confetti Party Confetti
:dancing smilies: Dancing Smilies Dancing Smilies
:doing the wave: Doing The Wave Doing The Wave
:yay2: Yay2 Yay2
:spinning-lol: Spinning Lol Spinning Lol
:lol: LOL LOL
:lolbanner: LOL Banner LOL Banner
:face-lol: Face Lol Face Lol
:SixtiesLOL: SixtiesLOL SixtiesLOL
:DiscoLOL: DiscoLOL DiscoLOL
:get-well-soon: Get Well Soon Get Well Soon
:good-luck: Good Luck Good Luck
:good-luck-shamrock: Good Luck Shamrock Good Luck Shamrock
:thankyou: Thank You Thank You
:thanks5: Thanks5 Thanks5
:thankyouflowers: Thankyouflowers Thankyouflowers
:wave: Wave Wave
:blow candles: Blow Candles Blow Candles
:happy birthday sign Happy Birthday Sign Happy Birthday Sign
:birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:happy-birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:happy-birthday-2-u: Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You
:birthday-card: Birthday Card Birthday Card
:hi-sign: Hi Sign Hi Sign
:hi-hand: Hi Hand Hi Hand
:hello5: Hello5 Hello5
:hi-wave: Hi Wave Hi Wave
:hello-wave: Hello Wave Hello Wave
:computer-greeter: Computer Greeter Computer Greeter
:hello-2: Hello 2 Hello 2
:welcome-wagon: Welcome Wagon Welcome Wagon
:welcome-stars: Welcome Stars Welcome Stars
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:welcome-color-2: Welcome Color 2 Welcome Color 2
:welcome-color-1: Welcome Color 1 Welcome Color 1
:welcome2: Welcome2 Welcome2
:welcome-car: Welcome Car Welcome Car
:welcome1: Welcome1 Welcome1
:noob: Noob Noob
:newbie: Newbie Newbie
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:megaphone: Megaphone Megaphone
:golfer: Golfer Golfer
:karate: Karate Karate
:cop: Cop Cop
:hike: Hike Hike
:weather: Weather Weather
:curling: Curling Curling
:whiteflag: Whiteflag Whiteflag
:beachball: Beachball Beachball
:side-sports: Side Sports Side Sports
:hockeypuck: Hockeypuck Hockeypuck
:soccer: Soccer Soccer
:cricketbat: Cricketbat Cricketbat
:weightlifter: Weightlifter Weightlifter
:baseball: Baseball Baseball
:scrabble: Scrabble Scrabble
:hockeyplayer: Hockeyplayer Hockeyplayer
:club: Club Club
:tell your future: Tell Your Future Tell Your Future
:waterskiing: Waterskiing Waterskiing
:defib: Defib Defib
:pool: Pool Pool
:barbell: Barbell Barbell
:running: Running Running
:camping: Camping Camping
:greenflag: Greenflag Greenflag
:serve: Serve Serve
:chessboard: Chessboard Chessboard
:chef: Chef Chef
:volleyball: Volleyball Volleyball
:ballet: Ballet Ballet
:poker: Poker Poker
:swimming: Swimming Swimming
:haircut: Haircut Haircut
:badminton: Badminton Badminton
:rollerskater: Rollerskater Rollerskater
:soccer head: Soccer Head Soccer Head
:therapy: Therapy Therapy
:golf: Golf Golf
:waiter: Waiter Waiter
:checkerboard: Checkerboard Checkerboard
:trophy: Trophy Trophy
:baking: Baking Baking
:suspicious: Suspicious Suspicious
:meditation: Meditation Meditation
:archer: Archer Archer
:redflag: Redflag Redflag
:work: Work Work
:1scuba: 1scuba 1scuba
:footballreferee: Footballreferee Footballreferee
:cards: Cards Cards
:tennisball: Tennisball Tennisball
:suspf: Suspf Suspf
:18ball: 18ball 18ball
:pokerchip: Pokerchip Pokerchip
:teacher: Teacher Teacher
:footballhelmet: Footballhelmet Footballhelmet
:nurse: Nurse Nurse
:bullseye: Bullseye Bullseye
:taekwondo: Taekwondo Taekwondo
:football: Football Football
:1soccer: 1soccer 1soccer
:duel: Duel Duel
:pingpong: Pingpong Pingpong
:para: Para Para
:fencing: Fencing Fencing
:pirates: Pirates Pirates
:doctor: Doctor Doctor
:garden: Garden Garden
:hardhat: Hardhat Hardhat
:1basketball: 1basketball 1basketball
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:surfing: Surfing Surfing
:surgery: Surgery Surgery
:1skateboard: 1skateboard 1skateboard
:manicure: Manicure Manicure
:parachute: Parachute Parachute
:spotlight: Spotlight Spotlight
:domino: Domino Domino
:1fishing: 1fishing 1fishing
:knit: Knit Knit
:bowlingpin: Bowlingpin Bowlingpin
:spade: Spade Spade
:ski: Ski Ski
:fishing: Fishing Fishing
:olympics: Olympics Olympics
:paint: Paint Paint
:diving: Diving Diving
:clown2: Clown2 Clown2
:yellowflag: Yellowflag Yellowflag
:snorkel: Snorkel Snorkel
:1football: 1football 1football
:welder: Welder Welder
:bowlingball: Bowlingball Bowlingball
:snowboard: Snowboard Snowboard
:skate: Skate Skate
:zamboni: Zamboni Zamboni
:maid: Maid Maid
:lacrosse: Lacrosse Lacrosse
:shimmy: Shimmy Shimmy
:diamond: Diamond Diamond
:wrestler: Wrestler Wrestler
:basketball: Basketball Basketball
:bowling: Bowling Bowling
:salon: Salon Salon
:1iceskate: 1iceskate 1iceskate
:weld: Weld Weld
:bowarrow: Bowarrow Bowarrow
:skiing: Skiing Skiing
:photog: Photog Photog
:taser: Taser Taser
:juggle: Juggle Juggle
:fireman: Fireman Fireman
:pancake: Pancake Pancake
:cowboy: Cowboy Cowboy
:operator: Operator Operator
:helmet: Helmet Helmet
:clown: Clown Clown
:surf: Surf Surf
:gallery: Gallery Gallery
:crystalball: Crystal Ball Crystal Ball
:cowboy2: Cowboy2 Cowboy2
:bevdel: Beverage Delivery Beverage Delivery
:lift: Lift Lift
:bbq: Bbq Bbq
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:fuel-to-the-fire: Add Fuel to the Fire Add Fuel to the Fire
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:squirrel3: Squirrel3 Squirrel3
:shark2: Shark2 Shark2
:snake: Snake Snake
:cow: Cow Cow
:hamsterwheel: Hamsterwheel Hamsterwheel
:bunny dance: Bunny Dance Bunny Dance
:slappy and pogo: Slappy And Pogo Slappy And Pogo
:gray cat: Gray Cat Gray Cat
:frog: Frog Frog
:fish: Fish Fish
:turtle: Turtle Turtle
:You got stung: You Got Stung You Got Stung
:moose: Moose Moose
:pink bunny shaking Pink Bunny Shaking Its Goodies Pink Bunny Shaking Its Goodies
:egg hatch: Egg Hatch Egg Hatch
:white cow: White Cow White Cow
:1fish: 1fish 1fish
:dog: Dog Dog
:cat: Cat Cat
:pepe le pew: Pepe Le Pew Pepe Le Pew
:huh: Huh? Huh?
:fishbowl: Fishbowl Fishbowl
:spider smiley: Spider Smiley Spider Smiley
:raven: Raven Raven
:pigsmiley: Pig Smiley Pig Smiley
:mouse: Mouse Mouse
:scared mouse: Scared Mouse Scared Mouse
:ferret: Ferret Ferret
:chicken: Chicken Chicken
:bull: Bull Bull
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:egg: Egg Egg
:candy: Candy Candy
:1cupcake: 1cupcake 1cupcake
:pear: Pear Pear
:watermelon: Watermelon Watermelon
:cheese: Cheese Cheese
:1tomato: 1tomato 1tomato
:chinese: Chinese Chinese
:spork: Spork Spork
:twinkie: Twinkie Twinkie
:french fries: French Fries French Fries
:salad: Salad Salad
:broccoli: Broccoli Broccoli
:rice: Rice Rice
:pepsi: Pepsi Pepsi
:drinking81: Drinking81 Drinking81
:drumstick: Drumstick Drumstick
:1pizza: 1pizza 1pizza
:peapod: Pea Pod Pea Pod
:cccookie: Chocolate Chip Cookie Chocolate Chip Cookie
:waterbottle: Water Bottle Water Bottle
:osoda: Orange Soda Orange Soda
:icecream: Ice Cream Ice Cream
:wcream: Whipped Cream Whipped Cream
:marblerye: Marble Rye Marble Rye
:chili: Chili Chili
:spoon: Spoon Spoon
:twinkies: Twinkies Twinkies
:fruitbowl: Fruit Bowl Fruit Bowl
:bread: Bread Bread
:ham: Ham Ham
:grapes: Grapes Grapes
:banana: Banana Banana
:raisins: Raisins Raisins
:wmelon: Watermelon Watermelon
:donut: Donut Donut
:icedtea: Iced Tea Iced Tea
:peanutbutter: Peanut Butter Peanut Butter
:block of cheese: Block Of Cheese Block Of Cheese
:waffle: Waffle Waffle
:donuts: Donuts Donuts
:berries: Berries Berries
:drinking wine: Drinking Wine Drinking Wine
:carrot: Carrot Carrot
:maki: Maki Maki
:cherries: Cherries Cherries
:blackberry: Blackberry Blackberry
:gingerbread: Gingerbread Gingerbread
:cheesecakeslice: Cheesecake Slice Cheesecake Slice
:pretzel: Pretzel Pretzel
:cup: Cup Cup
:apricot: Apricot Apricot
:pbj: PB&J PB&J
:hot dog: Hot Dog Hot Dog
:dominospizza: Domino's Pizza Domino's Pizza
:1pretzel: 1pretzel 1pretzel
:peanut: Peanut Peanut
:cherriessmile: Smiley Cherries Smiley Cherries
:tootsieroll: Tootsie Roll Tootsie Roll
:drinks: Drinks Drinks
:coca cola: Coca Cola Coca Cola
:cannoli: Cannoli Cannoli
:1mushroom: 1mushroom 1mushroom
:mm: M&M M&M
:lasagna: Lasagna Lasagna
:soup: Soup Soup
:bellpepper: Bell Pepper Bell Pepper
:fudgepop: Fudgepop Fudgepop
:potato: Potato Potato
:pasta: Pasta Pasta
:cupcake: Cupcake Cupcake
:bwaffle: Belgian Waffle Belgian Waffle
:1donut: 1donut 1donut
:peach: Peach Peach
:tomato: Tomato Tomato
:bagel: Bagel Bagel
:cannedpeaches: Canned Peaches Canned Peaches
:1orange: 1orange 1orange
:lime: Lime Lime
:cheesecake: Cheesecake Cheesecake
:soda: Soda Soda
:beer: Beer Beer
:whopper with cheese Whopper With Cheese Whopper With Cheese
:fruitcake: Fruitcake Fruitcake
:porkleg: Porkleg Porkleg
:eclair: Eclair Eclair
:corndog: Corndog Corndog
:pbjsandwich: PB&J Sandwich PB&J Sandwich
:toaster: Toaster Toaster
:j and b: J And B J And B
:breadloaf: Breadloaf Breadloaf
:scake: Strawberry Cake Strawberry Cake
:coke: Coke Coke
:cannedoj: Canned OJ Canned OJ
:1pancakes: 1pancakes 1pancakes
:lemonade: Lemonade Lemonade
:smore: Smore Smore
:danish: Danish Danish
:pizza: Pizza Pizza
:roast: Roast Roast
:baster: Baster Baster
:friedegg: Fried Egg Fried Egg
:popcorntub: Popcorntub Popcorntub
:corn: Corn Corn
:1soda: 1soda 1soda
:pancakes: Pancakes Pancakes
:cocoa: Cocoa Cocoa
:toast: Toast Toast
:candycorn: Candy Corn Candy Corn
:lemon: Lemon Lemon
:pizzaslice: Pizza Slice Pizza Slice
:koolaidwall: Kool-Aid Wall Kool-Aid Wall
:bananasplit: Banana Split Banana Split
:frenchfries: French Fries French Fries
:1burger: 1burger 1burger
:croissant: Croissant Croissant
:chomp: Chomp Chomp
:1soup: 1soup 1soup
:oreo: Oreo Oreo
:taco: Taco Taco
:bdcake: Birthday Cake Birthday Cake
:candyapple: Candy Apple Candy Apple
:1peach: 1peach 1peach
:kiwifruit: Kiwi Fruit Kiwi Fruit
:sausage: Sausage Sausage
:apple: Apple Apple
:fortunecookie: Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie
:pineapple: Pineapple Pineapple
:chinesetakeout: Chinese Takeout Chinese Takeout
:orange: Orange Orange
:tabasco: Tabasco Tabasco
:eggspan: Eggs in Pan Eggs in Pan
:cake: Cake Cake
:happymeal: Happy Meal™ Happy Meal™
:1pear: 1pear 1pear
:jelly: Jelly Jelly
:saltpepper: Salt & Pepper Salt & Pepper
:antacid: Antacid Antacid
:slice of pizza: Slice Of Pizza Slice Of Pizza
:fork: Fork Fork
:pie: Pie Pie
:chilipepper: Chili Pepper Chili Pepper
:hkiss: Herhsy's Kiss Herhsy's Kiss
:1strawberry: 1strawberry 1strawberry
:1hotdog: 1hotdog 1hotdog
:mushroom: Mushroom Mushroom
:strawberry: Strawberry Strawberry
:nectar: Nectar Nectar
:oj2: Orange Juice Orange Juice
:sandwich: Sandwich Sandwich
:burger: Burger Burger
:icecube: Ice Cube Ice Cube
:knife: Knife Knife
:saltine: Saltine Saltine
:milkshake: Milkshake Milkshake
:bacon: Bacon Bacon
:sundae: Sundae Sundae
:eggplant: Eggplant Eggplant
:1pineapple: 1pineapple 1pineapple
:pickle: Pickle Pickle
:lollipop: Lollipop Lollipop
:cherry: Cherry Cherry
:1toast: 1toast 1toast
:breakfast: Breakfast Breakfast
:1icecream: 1icecream 1icecream
:muffin: Muffin Muffin
:choccakeslice: Chocolate Cake Slice Chocolate Cake Slice
:steak: Steak Steak
:popsicle: Popsicle Popsicle
:bubblegum: Bubble Gum Bubble Gum
:hotdog: Hotdog Hotdog
:rootbeer: Root Beer Root Beer
:milk: Milk Milk
:shrimp: Shrimp Shrimp
:popcorn3: Popcorn3 Popcorn3
:coffeegulp: Coffee Gulp Coffee Gulp
:coffee: Coffee Coffee
:cofbar: Coffee Bar Coffee Bar
:popcorn2: Popcorn2 Popcorn2
:dunkin: Dunkin Dunkin
:ready to eat: Ready To Eat Ready To Eat
:coffee2: Coffee2 Coffee2
:drinking: Drinking Drinking
:drunk: Drunk Drunk
:shots: Shots Shots
:beers: Beers Beers
:guiness: Guiness Guiness
:keg: Keg Keg
:margarita: margarita margarita
:martini: Martini Martini
:mixeddrink: Mixed Drink Mixed Drink
:wine: Wine Wine
:fuzzynavel: Fuzzy Navel Fuzzy Navel
:pinacolada: Pina Colada Pina Colada
:mimosa: Mimosa Mimosa
:shot: Shot Shot
:vodka: Vodka Vodka
:whiskey: Whiskey Whiskey
:1champagne: 1champagne 1champagne
:champagne: Champagne Champagne
:1beer: 1beer 1beer
:bar: Bar Bar
:atthebar: At the Bar At the Bar
:ladiesnite: Ladies Nite Ladies Nite
:bartender: Bartender Bartender
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:weatherman-rain: Weatherman Rain Weatherman Rain
:weathermanlightning Weathermanlightning Weathermanlightning
:happy sun: Happy Sun Happy Sun
:weatherman-sun: Weatherman Sun Weatherman Sun
:weatherman-snow: Weatherman Snow Weatherman Snow
:snowtrick: Snowtrick Snowtrick
:snowing outside: Snowing Outside Snowing Outside
:bouncy snowman: Bouncy Snowman Bouncy Snowman
:chop-down-xmas-tree Chop Down Xmas Tree Chop Down Xmas Tree
:brrr: Brrr Brrr
:blizzard: Blizzard Blizzard
:fightsnowball1: Fightsnowball1 Fightsnowball1
:animated-blizzard: Animated Blizzard Animated Blizzard
:ifishing: Ifishing Ifishing
:shovel: Shovel Shovel
:iceskate: Iceskate Iceskate
:snowed under: Snowed Under Snowed Under
:snowshoes: Snowshoes Snowshoes
:snowedunder: Snowedunder Snowedunder
:abominable-snow-smi Abominable Snow Smilie Abominable Snow Smilie
:snowedin: Snowedin Snowedin
:sled: Sled Sled
:snowblow: Snowblow Snowblow
:snowball: Snowball Snowball
:hny: Hny Hny
:cupid: Cupid Cupid
:heart1: Heart1 Heart1
:lletter: Lletter Lletter
:clover: Clover Clover
:1clover: 1clover 1clover
:shamrock: Shamrock Shamrock
:4leafclover: 4leafclover 4leafclover
:gbeer: Gbeer Gbeer
:lep: Lep Lep
:leprechaun: Leprechaun Leprechaun
:rain: Rain Rain
:springsmile: Springsmile Springsmile
:eegg: Eegg Eegg
:easter-egg-smilie: Easter Egg Smilie Easter Egg Smilie
:ebasket: Ebasket Ebasket
:inegg: Inegg Inegg
:easterbunny: Easterbunny Easterbunny
:bunny: Bunny Bunny
:egghunt: Egg Hunt Egg Hunt
:sunbathe: Sunbathe Sunbathe
:twinkling-sun: Twinkling Sun Twinkling Sun
:sun: Sun Sun
:mow: Mow Mow
:beachgrin: Beach Grin Beach Grin
:fireworks: Fireworks Fireworks
:sunscreen: Sunscreen Sunscreen
:sunburn: Sunburn Sunburn
:firecracker: Firecracker Firecracker
:school: School School
:raking: Raking Raking
:leafjump: Leafjump Leafjump
:hh: Hh Hh
:pumpkin: Pumpkin Pumpkin
:jack: Jack Jack
:evil-pumpkin: Evil Pumpkin Evil Pumpkin
:1pumpkin: 1pumpkin 1pumpkin
:jackolantern: Jackolantern Jackolantern
:black cat moon: Black Cat Moon Black Cat Moon
:cooljackolantern: Cool Jack O Lantern Cool Jack O Lantern
:witch: Witch Witch
:1witch: 1witch 1witch
:frank: Frank Frank
:ghost: Ghost Ghost
:spider: Spider Spider
:1turkey: 1turkey 1turkey
:turkydance1: Turkydance1 Turkydance1
:tday: Tday Tday
:indian: Indian Indian
:pilgrim: Pilgrim Pilgrim
:cornicopia: Cornicopia Cornicopia
:mc: Mc Mc
:xmaslites: Xmaslites Xmaslites
:candles: Candles Candles
:wreath: Wreath Wreath
:stocking: Stocking Stocking
:gbread: Gbread Gbread
:holly: Holly Holly
:mistletoe: Mistletoe Mistletoe
:cane: Cane Cane
:santawaving: Santawaving Santawaving
:santa: Santa Santa
:grinch: Grinch Grinch
:rudolph small: Rudolph Small Rudolph Small
:elf: Elf Elf
:santa-giving-gifts: Santa Giving Gifts Santa Giving Gifts
:mrsclaus: Mrsclaus Mrsclaus
:sleigh: Sleigh Sleigh
:rudi: Rudi Rudi
:1santa: 1santa 1santa
:1elf: 1elf 1elf
:spudniksanta: Spudniksanta Spudniksanta
:santa and reindeer Santa And Reindeer Smilies Santa And Reindeer Smilies
:santa2: Santa2 Santa2
:north pole: North Pole North Pole
:eggnog: Eggnog Eggnog
:tangle: Tangle Tangle
:xmaseve: Ceve Ceve
:mtkiss: Mtkiss Mtkiss
:cboogie: Cboogie Cboogie
:wrap: Wrap Wrap
:sledtree: Sledtree Sledtree
:ringtree: Ringtree Ringtree
:trim: Trim Trim
:carolers: Carolers Carolers
:inbox: Inbox Inbox
:sadtree: Sadtree Sadtree
:presents: Presents Presents
:xmastree: Xmastree Xmastree
:1xmastree: 1xmastree 1xmastree
:menorah: Menorah Menorah
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:1jukebox: 1jukebox 1jukebox
:1dj: 1dj 1dj
:choir: Choir Choir
:1violin: 1violin 1violin
:bass: Bass Bass
:blue drums: Blue Drums Blue Drums
:1stereo: 1stereo 1stereo
:rock band: Rock Band Rock Band
:stereo: Stereo Stereo
:speaker: Speaker Speaker
:boombox: Boombox Boombox
:dj: DJ DJ
:jukebox: Jukebox Jukebox
:ymca: Ymca Ymca
:disco: Disco Disco
:listen: Listen Listen
:headphones: Headphones Headphones
:sing: Sing Sing
:guitarist: Guitarist Guitarist
:accordion: Accordion Accordion
:sax: Sax Sax
:piano: Piano Piano
:horns: Horns Horns
:bagpipe: Bagpipe Bagpipe
:flute: Flute Flute
:marchingband: Marchingband Marchingband
:opera: Opera Opera
:guitarpunk: Guitar Punk Guitar Punk
:cd: Cd Cd
:music: Music Music
:saxophone: Saxophone Saxophone
:tamborine: Tamborine Tamborine
:triangle: Triangle Triangle
:snaredrum: Snaredrum Snaredrum
:ocarina: Ocarina Ocarina
:bell: Bell Bell
:trumpet: Trumpet Trumpet
:violin: Violin Violin
:xylophone: Xylophone Xylophone
:clarinet: Clarinet Clarinet
:banjo: Banjo Banjo
:grandpiano: Grand Piano Grand Piano
:keyboard: Keyboard Keyboard
:harmonica: Harmonica Harmonica
:harp: Harp Harp
:drums: Drums Drums
:guitar: Guitar Guitar
:hofnerbass: Hofnerbass Hofnerbass
:fenderstrat: Fenderstrat Fenderstrat
:flyingv: Flyingv Flyingv
:microphone: Microphone Microphone
:note: Note Note
:mp3: MP3 MP3
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:sonic: Sonic Sonic
:tails: Tails Tails
:mario: Mario Mario
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:flag-navy: Flag Navy Flag Navy
:flag-marines: Flag Marines Flag Marines
:flag-coastguard: Flag Coastguard Flag Coastguard
:flag-army: Flag Army Flag Army
:flag-airforce: Flag Airforce Flag Airforce
:drillsergeant: Drillsergeant Drillsergeant
:pow-mia: Pow Mia Pow Mia
:coastguard: Coastguard Coastguard
:medalofhonor: Medalofhonor Medalofhonor
:camouflage: Camouflage Camouflage
:marine8point: Marine8point Marine8point
:m1helmet: M1helmet M1helmet
:us_flag: US Flag US Flag
:us_soldiers: US Soldiers US Soldiers
:tank: Tank Tank
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:bike: Bike Bike
:kayak: Kayak Kayak
:golfcart: Golfcart Golfcart
:1plane: 1plane 1plane
:semi: Semi Semi
:truck: Truck Truck
:moving: Moving Moving
:pickup-truck: Pickup Truck Pickup Truck
:3gears: 3gears 3gears
:bus: Bus Bus
:nascar: Nascar Nascar
:1boat: 1boat 1boat
:red_74_ford: Red 74 Ford Red 74 Ford
:atv: Atv Atv
:ambulance: Ambulance Ambulance
:taxi: Taxi Taxi
:train: Train Train
:car2: Car2 Car2
:crash: Crash Crash
:cycle: Cycle Cycle
:paddy2: Paddy2 Paddy2
:bikerchick: Bikerchick Bikerchick
:pimpride: Pimp Ride Pimp Ride
:black truck: Black Truck Black Truck
:blue truck: Blue Truck Blue Truck
:hot-air-balloon: Hot Air Balloon Hot Air Balloon
:caravan: Caravan Caravan
:tbird: Tbird Tbird
:boat: Boat Boat
:plane: Plane Plane
:scooter: Scooter Scooter
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:dalek: Dalek Dalek
:welcomewagon: Welcomewagon Welcomewagon
:coffeebath: Coffeebath Coffeebath
:welcomestars: Welcomestars Welcomestars
:greatjob: Great Job! Great Job!
:treeswing: Treeswing Treeswing
:welcomecolor: Welcomecolor Welcomecolor
:explosion: Explosion Explosion
:bsflag1: BS Flag (Large) BS Flag (Large)
:welcomecar: Welcomecar Welcomecar
:lots of fish in bow Lots Of Fish In Bowl Lots Of Fish In Bowl
:island shark: Island Shark Island Shark
:fordbikini: Fordbikini Fordbikini
:castle: Castle Castle
:flower bouquet: Flower Bouquet Flower Bouquet
:ford-girl-smalll: Ford Boob Girl Small Ford Boob Girl Small
:shark chase: Shark Chase Shark Chase
:gone-to-his-head: Gone To His Head Gone To His Head
:downloading-devil: Downloading Devil Downloading Devil
:dj-club: Dj Club Dj Club
:turntable: Turntable Turntable
:deadhorse1: Deadhorse1 Deadhorse1
:tree: Tree Tree
:djparty: DJparty DJparty
:flatspam: Flat SPAM Flat SPAM
:party: Party Party
:mob: Mob Mob
:nx: NX NX
:nos: NOS NOS

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:52 PM.

All Contents Copyright 2008-2024, Power Hungry Performance