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Old Fri, December 31st, 2021, 02:13 PM
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You won't find a myriad of calibrations for either of those. You have "the preferred" set loaded. Is there a reason you are switching to the bypass mode? Like Bill stated, unless you're performing specific diagnostics or troubleshooting there is no reason to run the PCM's flashed calibration. If you need a "stock" setting, flash the chip with the TNAA4S2 "0S" calibration and use won't cause the hiccup.

Also running a calibration on the chip other than TNAA5S8 (provided your original VDH4 PCM hasn't been reflashed) will cause the same stall/stutter you're currently getting.
Tuning, flashing, burning chips, and repairing all aspects of 7.3L Powerstrokes.
SEVEN 7.3L-powered vehicles in the driveway. Two didn't come that way from the factory!
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