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Old Thu, August 1st, 2024, 02:37 PM
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Power Hungry Power Hungry is offline
The Godfather of Power Stroke Tuning
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Winder, GA
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Power Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud ofPower Hungry has much to be proud of

In 2006, the FCC dropped the Morse Code requirements for an amateur radio license. If I'd had know that earlier, I probably would have gotten my license sooner. Ah well, it's not a big deal. I did it and I'm really enjoying it now.

I have several radios, inluding a variety of handhelds, mobile, and base station radios. I stick mostly to the voice (phone) bands, but occasionally will take a peek at the digital stuff. Just not really my thing.

Over the last year, it's been great fun meeting and talking to people all over the world. Like forums, there are cool people and there are also knuckleheads, or lids as they're called. Overall the experience has been positive, but I'm really quite surprised at the lack of FCC regulation over the amateur bands in regards to some of these individuals. Not that I'm in favor of more regulations.

If you have any interest, this my ham radio page on our website. It has some really good pictures of the equipment.

Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

Power Hungry Performance - The ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
(678) 890-1110 - Home of the Hydra Chip, Minotaur Tuning Software, and the new Orion Reflash System for Navistar!

Bring back Windows™ XP and 7.
Windows™ Vista and Windows™ 8 is a pain in my a$$!
Windows™ 10 is only slightly less annoying!
Windows™ 11 is garbage!

Much to my surprise, I'm actually quite enjoying Linux!
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