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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Tue, February 10th, 2009, 10:37 PM
Tlake Tlake is offline
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Default AVG ECON


Quick question for anyone in the know. I was just wondering the length of time the avg. econ display is? For example is it the last 10 minutes, 20 minutes?


Old Tue, February 10th, 2009, 10:57 PM
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No Tom, it's much quicker than that (I think you are talking about "update", right?). If you "reset" it, while you're driving, you'll see how quickly it changes to "get up to speed". And, don't ask me for the interval, because I didn't time it.

- Jack

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Old Wed, February 11th, 2009, 09:28 AM
Tlake Tlake is offline
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I didn't quite word it clearly. What I meant was for what length of time is the average for? Obviously its not an avg. since the last reset. When I sit at a stop light I can watch it drop up to 1 mpg, then when I'm driving it will go back up, but not to the same extent. So does it keep track of the last 10 minutes 20 minutes?


Old Wed, February 11th, 2009, 11:10 AM
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Sorry Tom, I have no idea. Bill might, if he sees this.

- Jack
Old Wed, February 11th, 2009, 11:35 AM
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I think it is instant, because I have been watching mine do that too. I think that while you are idleing, the truck is not moving so the aMPG is going to drop. Just like when you are moving and take your foot off the gas, your average goes to like 30+. I have seen it drop a lot when I let the truck warm up in the morning and then by the time I get to work it has slowly gone back up.
I hope I am on the right track here! LOL
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