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Old Sun, July 26th, 2009, 03:34 PM
Rustler Rustler is offline
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Default Yo

New around here, figured I'd say howdy. I'm an old fart that works too much.

Just ordered a Gryphon for my 07 F150 supercrew 4x4.

I'll try to behave myself, no promises :1moon:
Old Sun, July 26th, 2009, 05:57 PM
JWBFX4 JWBFX4 is offline
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Welcome to the forum
Flowmaster 40, PHP Gryphon, AS 2" kit
Thanks http://screen-fx.net for the sig.
Old Mon, July 27th, 2009, 10:13 AM
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Welcome to the forum!


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Old Mon, July 27th, 2009, 11:48 AM
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I suspect I might have you beat in the "old fart" department, but there's always room for one more!

- Jack

2024 F150 Platinum SCrew 3.5L PowerBoost FX4, Peragon Tonneau Cover, LineX Bed, 35% Window Tint on All Sides and Rear, Full Nose Paint Protection Film, Husky Mud Guards, Lasfit Floor Liners, VIOFO Dash Cam
Old Mon, July 27th, 2009, 02:41 PM
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Define "Old Fart"!

I'm a moderately older fart who works too much. Okay, so 40 ain't old. But compared to how many 20-somethings we have on here, I do feel I'm getting up there.

Anyway, welcome to our humble playground.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

Power Hungry Performance - The ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
(678) 890-1110

www.gopowerhungry.com - Home of the Hydra Chip, Minotaur Tuning Software, and the new Orion Reflash System for Navistar!

Bring back Windows™ XP and 7.
Windows™ Vista and Windows™ 8 is a pain in my a$$!
Windows™ 10 is only slightly less annoying!
Windows™ 11 is garbage!

Much to my surprise, I'm actually quite enjoying Linux!
Old Mon, July 27th, 2009, 03:13 PM
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Welcome old fart too!


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Drawtite front hitch
Randy Ellis Light Bar w8" KC Driving Lights
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Old Mon, July 27th, 2009, 04:21 PM
Sburn Sburn is offline
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RE: "Old"

It's not the years that add up, it's the miles.
2007 F150 XL, 4.6, Regular Cab, Gryphon Installed 2/2009
"voiding warranties since 1979"

Old Tue, July 28th, 2009, 03:05 PM
Rustler Rustler is offline
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I appreciate the welcome!

Old fart is more of a modest inference of wisdom. The equation is, path and miles traveled VS the condition of the carcass determines its worth.

Cruising smooth highways provides a narrow view of the trips experiences.
Surviving the potholes of roads less traveled and finding yourself in the ditch a time or two, getting off road and being stuck occasionally or just flat being broke down from the abuse of the trail sure gives one a different perspective.

Arriving at your destination clean and all shiny sure looks good. Those getting there bruised dented and cut covered in dust mud and blood think it is the wisdom gained from the trips path that earns you the title of "old fart".. :1moon:
Old Wed, July 29th, 2009, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Rustler View Post
Cruising smooth highways provides a narrow view of the trips experiences. Surviving the potholes of roads less traveled and finding yourself in the ditch a time or two, getting off road and being stuck occasionally or just flat being broke down from the abuse of the trail sure gives one a different perspective.

Arriving at your destination clean and all shiny sure looks good. Those getting there bruised dented and cut covered in dust mud and blood think it is the wisdom gained from the trips path that earns you the title of "old fart".. :1moon:

Sound like you've been through Moab or Green River a few times. That sounds like exactly how I wound up after 8 hours of abuse riding 10 Mile Wash and Dead Cow Wash on my dirtbike.

Again, glad to have you with us!
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

Power Hungry Performance - The ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
(678) 890-1110

www.gopowerhungry.com - Home of the Hydra Chip, Minotaur Tuning Software, and the new Orion Reflash System for Navistar!

Bring back Windows™ XP and 7.
Windows™ Vista and Windows™ 8 is a pain in my a$$!
Windows™ 10 is only slightly less annoying!
Windows™ 11 is garbage!

Much to my surprise, I'm actually quite enjoying Linux!
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