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Old Mon, November 30th, 2009, 10:10 PM
Bunklash Bunklash is offline
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Default Excited newbie

Howdy ya'll.
I joined the forum to learn more about PHP as I've been scoping out tuners for some time now. I just placed my order for a Phoenix for my '02 350 PSD, crew cab, SRW, shortbed fifth wheel hauler. I'm a retired NCO from the AF currently working as an educator/bus driver for a charter High school in Niceville, FL.

We are in the panhandle of FL, or as we jokingly call it, F-L-A, that's F'ing Lower Alabama. I ain't saying it's redneck around here, but my neighbor's 14 year old daughter smokes at the breakfast table..........in front of her kids!

I had a short phone conversation with Bill earlier. He answered a couple of questions and left me with a good impression. I've heard nothing but good about his products and customer support. I'm really looking forward to getting my tuner and trying it out.

Good things to all,
Glen "Bunky" Jones
Old Tue, December 1st, 2009, 12:37 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

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Old Tue, December 1st, 2009, 04:50 AM
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Glad to have you aboard. You aren't kidding about the panhandle area. Makes me a little nervous when driving through that area.

Let me know if there's anything else you've got questions on.

Take care.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor

Power Hungry Performance - The ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
(678) 890-1110

www.gopowerhungry.com - Home of the Hydra Chip, Minotaur Tuning Software, and the new Orion Reflash System for Navistar!

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Old Tue, December 1st, 2009, 05:43 PM
JWBFX4 JWBFX4 is offline
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Welcome to the forum
Flowmaster 40, PHP Gryphon, AS 2" kit
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