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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

If you have a question or comment relating the Gryphon (or Evolution) programmer, post it here.

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Old Fri, April 29th, 2011, 07:37 PM
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Jackpine Jackpine is offline
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Originally Posted by convertedman View Post
YEAH! After the buy and spending the money to have the doorstop unlocked. I ordered and received my new tunes. Very happy!

On a different note: I am now running 87 performance. I got used to the canned tow tune as far as the shifting. Also I did notice yesterday that I did have a little slip from 2 to 3. I know that I might have an issue with my tranny but didn't have any slipping on the canned tow tune. What should I change the shift firmness to with the performance tune to get that solid shift feel again and would have any negative affects on my tranny??
You can increase the shift firmness in the 2-3 shift. As long as you don't go overboard, there should be no harmful effects. Try increasing it by +4 and see how it feels. If it still feels "slippy", increase to +8. I would not go above +12. It may be that there is an in-between setting that would be ideal.

The shifts should be positive, but in the immortal words of our great sage Longshot270, "They should not feel like a kid behind you is kicking your seatback."

If you find what you like, you can have PHP "write" it into your tune, so you would not have to mess with it.

- Jack
Old Sat, April 30th, 2011, 06:50 PM
convertedman convertedman is offline
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Thanks Jack. I apperciate the follow up. I'll find one I like and give feed back.

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