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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

If you have a question or comment relating the Gryphon (or Evolution) programmer, post it here.

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Old Wed, May 18th, 2011, 05:33 PM
str088 str088 is offline
Bacon King
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 65
str088 is on a distinguished road
Default So I just recieved the recall...

As the title stated I just received my recall and have set up my appointment
for Monday for next week on the 23rd. Now I've read a few of the posts about
the ritual of taking our trucks to the dealer, but just wanted a better more pre-
cise step by step. From what I understand this is how it goes:

-Change programmer back to stock tune (a day before?)
-Take out the pod
-Hide the obdII wire
-Bring it in to dealer

But from what I understand from previous posts is that when you set your truck
back to stock settings it gives some kind of code, don't remember what it is. But
could that be a basis for the dealership to reflash my truck? They're replacing
some kind of harness so that it doesn't chaff the wiring for the airbag as
everyone here should know already, but just a little worried about what to
do with my programmer. Thanks for everyone's help and support.

airbag, dealer, gryphon php, process, recall

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