Hey yall, ups has my gryphon scheduled to arrive wednesday and i cant even contain my excitement. My truck recently logged a p0174 and the check engine light came on. It doesnt have the normal power it has in the higher gears and idles really rough. also when accelerating in 4th gear to pass or go up hill the whole truck shakes and scares me too much to leave it in o/d so i turned it off and will sacrifice the as mileage that comes along in keeping it in 3rd. anyways im really hoping that the tuner will solve my problem, ive heard that with an intake (3.5 inch AEM Brute Force) you should run it on power level 2 since the tow tune runs richer but i am wondering if i could safely try level 3? if not ill just have to stick to 2 which is fine since itll still be far better than my stock tune performance wise (or so ive heard). im lookin forward to expanding my knowledge here and am glad to join to forum!