And, 92 5.0, from posts in the past that Corey's made on this subject, they really don't decide to have "specials" until they do it.
I suspect too, you may have misunderstood something Corey or Bill said to you about custom tunes. If you had no specific driving goals in mind and your truck was stock, then probably the canned tune is fine. My truck was essentially stock (until I made the CAI I put on it), but I knew I wanted to pull a trailer and it was going to involve travel at high altitudes at times, as well as pulling it through the desert in the middle of summer. I also wanted good passing performance but was not concerned with rapid acceleration from a standing stop. Bill thought he could tweak a few things to make these needs better. I started out getting just one tune from him - the towing tune, but have since gotten a non-towing "economy" tune. I like them both.
But - Bill and Corey WILL NOT try to talk you into anything you don't need or really want. Perhaps you did not make any special desires clear to them.
- Jack