I recall Bill telling me to reset every tank but what you say makes sense, Longshot. I'll leave it alone for a while and see how it goes.
A related phenomenon I recently noted is that my mpg readouts were significantly reduced for a while after I disconnected the battery to erase the adaptive memory. I reverted from an AEM CAI back to stock, so I reset my Gryphon to L1 (because Bill had put the special CAI tune in L2) and disconnected the battery to start at square one again. For about 35 miles or so, driven over a road I know well the reading I should be getting, the (instant and average) mpg were down 25 percent or so. At least it started that way. It gradually worked back up to normal levels as I drove. Bear in mind I use that stretch of road as a "track" for testing mpg when I get new test product to play with, so I am very familiar with what I should be getting on the instant reading, even by the sections of road. By the time I was 2/3s of the way, it was more or less back to normal. Engine readapting?