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Minotaur Automotive Tuning Software
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Old Sat, January 23rd, 2010, 11:27 PM
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Ok....so bear with me here.

So after selecting and deleting 57344 bytes I am left with this.......

And after selecting a block of 32768 bytes and coping into a new window.........

Then I will save this, and that's my emulator binary?

How does someone learn this stuff? The more I ask about the more I realize how very little I think I know.
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Old Sun, January 24th, 2010, 12:32 AM
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'zactly right.

It starts out as a pretty tedious process but after you do it a few dozen times........

You wouldn't believe how many times I compared different files and used a hex editor to get the desired results. As long as you know how to do it now, that's all there really is to it.

Just be glad Bill doesn't encrypt his binary...we'd be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I worked with Sniper stuff for about a year before I bought Bill's version. Sniper's encryption setup is a crock. You can't run a Romulator with it anyway.
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Old Sun, January 24th, 2010, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by cleatus12r View Post
You wouldn't believe how many times I compared different files and used a hex editor to get the desired results.

So now I am curious, can you explain this?
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Old Sun, January 24th, 2010, 01:41 PM
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I have sat in front of this computer staring at binary for longer than I care to recall back when I first started getting into this about 2 years ago. I got some stuff to read PCM memory, got some more stuff to try to disassemble the code, got a lot more stuff to actually graph out the binary values.....to no real success.

Now I use a hex editor a lot just to make different size files (for different types of chips) and for emulation. I usually rehash my tune list about once a week when I pick up something different that works better so I always have to go back and make new 32K/224K/256K binary. It's a viscious cycle.

Anyway, that's boring.
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Old Sun, January 24th, 2010, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by cleatus12r View Post
Anyway, that's boring.
Hardly! I think that is some pretty cool stuff, just wish I had a better understanding of all this fancy computer stuff.

I need to find a "Computer's For Dummy's" book...........
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Old Tue, January 26th, 2010, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by cleatus12r View Post
I have sat in front of this computer staring at binary for longer than I care to recall back when I first started getting into this about 2 years ago. I got some stuff to read PCM memory, got some more stuff to try to disassemble the code, got a lot more stuff to actually graph out the binary values.....to no real success.
What were you expecting to find?

I am confused about the thought process behind this, why not use Minotaur to do the same thing?
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Old Tue, January 26th, 2010, 09:43 AM
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Well my original thinking was that "I can do this myself. No need to pay for something I can figure out."

Well, it turns out that I couldn't do it.....not within the next 5 years or so anyway.....so being a guy and needing everything "right now", I finally did end up buying some stuff (Sniper Delta Force) after trying to get ahold of Bill for his. Unfortunately, PHP was having the same email problems that they are still having and none of my correspondence went through so I ended up with Delta Farce.

However, knowing what I know now about the binary structuring and addressing, there is no possible way that I would have been able to figure out any of my own definitions because I would have had no clue as to how much stuff I actually would have needed to find to get where I am now.

Minotaur wasn't available to the public when I started and unfortunately I have ended up spending an extra $6,000 on something I can't use except for the chip burning function....so I have a $6K chip burning application now that is really inconvenient to use. Phoenix Flash doesn't work with the chips that are coded for my Sniper vendor (David Lott) so I have to make a calibration in Minotaur, save it, open it in Delta Force, save it, THEN finally burn it to the chip. It's a real PITA and one of these days I'll just buy a burner from Bill and start using his coded chips. It's really inconvenient to have duplicates of EVERY flippin' program on this computer.
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Old Thu, January 28th, 2010, 08:29 PM
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I'm downloading hex workshop now... have no idea how I will use it but you got me curious
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Old Thu, January 28th, 2010, 08:35 PM
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Pretty wild stuff.....
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Old Tue, May 11th, 2010, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by cleatus12r View Post

When you go back in after changing, use the original 224K binary and insert the modified 32768 bytes into the 224K program.
So.......... After I am finished with the file (32k), how do I get it back into the original program?

Do I first select the 57344 bytes, cut them out of there and set them aside (new window). Then select the next block of 32768, delete them, and paste in my modified file, and then paste the first 57344 bytes back in?


*Edit* That does not work.

Last edited by 907DAVE; Tue, May 11th, 2010 at 03:36 AM.
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