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F.U. Chip & FU2 Flex Chip (DISCONTINUED) (Disabled)
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Old Sun, October 11th, 2009, 11:17 PM
Diesel Rookie Diesel Rookie is offline
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Default Biodiesel Tunes

Just wondering does PHP have any biodiesel tunes for the FU2 chip? Nothing urgent just curious. I have been running the stuff with the normal tunes and it is fine I was just wondering if they have anything specific?


2003 4x4 F350 Super Duty Crew Cab Short Bed

4" Down pipe and exhaust, Wicked Wheel, Modified Exhaust Turbo Housing, Big Head Waste Gate Actuator, PML Transmission Pan, Factory Tech Valve Body, Autometer Gage Pod, PHP FU2 Chip
Old Tue, October 13th, 2009, 02:18 AM
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The problem with BioDiesel is that to make tunes specifically for it, we need to know what the base oil is. Vegetable oils (peanut, corn, sunflower, etc.) and other plant oils (palm, linseed, etc.) all have specific densities and clouding points which could ideally make tuning a bit tricky. Also, the percentage of BioDiesel can make a will difference as well.There isn't enough of a difference to cause a truck not to run, but some tuning characteristics might work better for some fuels than others.

We have done tuning for different oil types (trans fluid, waste oil, veggie oil) and each have their own specific tuning needs. I'm sure if you're running BioDiesel it probably is KFC quality stuff and we shouldn't have any problem tuning it.

Take care.
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