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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Mon, January 17th, 2011, 12:52 AM
KIRT KIRT is offline
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Plugged my gryphon in today and it told me the external memory needs to be reflashed. What does that mean....What happened? My truck has not been reflashed nor has it even been into the shop. I was still able to drive my truck using the last saved tune i'm guessing...I dont run the gryphon plugged in all the time so i am not sure if I may have screwed somthing up through pegasus....the last thing I did was change the splash screen. I do not recall if it worked after that....it has been a while since i plugged it in. Any thoughts?
Old Mon, January 17th, 2011, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by KIRT View Post
Plugged my gryphon in today and it told me the external memory needs to be reflashed. What does that mean....What happened? My truck has not been reflashed nor has it even been into the shop. I was still able to drive my truck using the last saved tune i'm guessing...I dont run the gryphon plugged in all the time so i am not sure if I may have screwed somthing up through pegasus....the last thing I did was change the splash screen. I do not recall if it worked after that....it has been a while since i plugged it in. Any thoughts?
I've never seen this!

So, you changed the splash screen while the truck was still "tuned" above stock? That should not have hurt anything as far as I know.

Once you get past that message, does the Gryphon seem to function normally? Or, does it keep you from getting past that message? AND, we're talking about the monochrome Gryphon and not the CS/CTS version, right?

If it's the monochrome Gryphon, did you have the ignition key ON before you plugged the Gryphon in?

- Jack

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Old Mon, January 17th, 2011, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
I've never seen this!

So, you changed the splash screen while the truck was still "tuned" above stock? That should not have hurt anything as far as I know.

Once you get past that message, does the Gryphon seem to function normally? Or, does it keep you from getting past that message? AND, we're talking about the monochrome Gryphon and not the CS/CTS version, right?

If it's the monochrome Gryphon, did you have the ignition key ON before you plugged the Gryphon in?

- Jack
Yes it is the original Gryphon. It wont let me past the message and the key position is as it should be for start up.
Old Mon, January 17th, 2011, 08:38 PM
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This is exactly what it says...The external memory needs to be reflashed call tech support at (678) 963-9913.
Old Tue, January 18th, 2011, 12:24 PM
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Bill is working his tail off right now getting through support issues and service tickets. It may be a little bit, but he IS getting things taken care of.
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Old Tue, January 18th, 2011, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by cleatus12r View Post

Bill is working his tail off right now getting through support issues and service tickets. It may be a little bit, but he IS getting things taken care of.
Corey e-mailed me saying that pegasus had a bug and was fixed yesterday...I updated as suggested and the problem still exists.
Old Tue, January 18th, 2011, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by KIRT View Post
Corey e-mailed me saying that pegasus had a bug and was fixed yesterday...I updated as suggested and the problem still exists.
So, your version of Pegasus is: V2.02.0856?

Here, we may have a problem. If you did not put your truck back to stock before all this happened, I don't think you're going to be able to repair the damage through Pegasus without some "hands on" help from Bill.

There is something corrupt in the software/firmware in your Gryphon itself, and, Pegasus will not alter it unless your truck, and the Gryphon, are at stock. I THINK, Bill is going to have to load a "stock writer" tune into the Gryphon for you to proceed.

Please submit a "trouble ticket".

Edit: I guess there is a lesson to be learned here - Even if you are just updating the splash screens, anytime you connect the Gryphon to Pegasus for the purpose of changing something, it would be prudent to have set the truck's tune back to stock first. Notice I'm talking about activities that "change" the Gryphon here. I'm not including things like a "file" or "data stream" download that do not alter the Gryphon's contents.

And please, KIRT, I'm not saying you did something bad. I would not have thought changing the splash screen would cause difficulties. The good news, of course, is that your truck still runs.

- Jack
Old Wed, January 19th, 2011, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
So, your version of Pegasus is: V2.02.0856?

Here, we may have a problem. If you did not put your truck back to stock before all this happened, I don't think you're going to be able to repair the damage through Pegasus without some "hands on" help from Bill.

There is something corrupt in the software/firmware in your Gryphon itself, and, Pegasus will not alter it unless your truck, and the Gryphon, are at stock. I THINK, Bill is going to have to load a "stock writer" tune into the Gryphon for you to proceed.

Please submit a "trouble ticket".

Edit: I guess there is a lesson to be learned here - Even if you are just updating the splash screens, anytime you connect the Gryphon to Pegasus for the purpose of changing something, it would be prudent to have set the truck's tune back to stock first. Notice I'm talking about activities that "change" the Gryphon here. I'm not including things like a "file" or "data stream" download that do not alter the Gryphon's contents.

And please, KIRT, I'm not saying you did something bad. I would not have thought changing the splash screen would cause difficulties. The good news, of course, is that your truck still runs.

- Jack
Thanks for the reply...you have hit the nail on the head. Trouble ticket?....How do I go about that?
Old Wed, January 19th, 2011, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by KIRT View Post
Thanks for the reply...you have hit the nail on the head. Trouble ticket?....How do I go about that?
It's the "Online Support System" page on their website: Support Login Most people get a pretty speedy response when they use this approach. If you don't, PM me.

- Jack
Old Wed, January 19th, 2011, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
It's the "Online Support System" page on their website: Support Login Most people get a pretty speedy response when they use this approach. If you don't, PM me.

- Jack
Thanks for the info...I was told by Corey via e-mail that Bill would be calling me today to resolve the problem. I will wait and see if that pans out first.

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