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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

If you have a question or comment relating the Gryphon (or Evolution) programmer, post it here.

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Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 01:08 AM
iHellFire iHellFire is offline
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Clap Whats good everyone?

Hey guys, whats happening....so I am a complete n00b. Haha, basically I have been looking into a programmer and from what I read gryphon is the way to go. However, I have absolutely no idea what the hell to look for or what to do first. I have a late '04 model F-150... 5.4L 3V engine....shes got 127,000 miles on her and needs a little boost with the help of a programmer. I could really use any advice....my only worry is do you guys think with that many miles a programmer is going to hurt? Like I said, I am completely new to understanding programmers...so be easy plz.
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 01:37 AM
J.Walton J.Walton is offline
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Default Whats good everyone?

I think you are forum stalking me! Haha, this is the 3rd one! Haha. Welcome bro!

2007 F150 4x4, Line-X, tint, Polk/ JL system, bushwackers, Executive off-road package, edge programer, Bed lights, all lights LED converted, Custom stiched seats and custom Headlights from Sickhids.com, 2.5" Hell Bent Steel Leveling Kit and 35" Federal M/T's
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 04:39 AM
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ticopowell ticopowell is offline
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Welcome! , and feel free to ask all you want about the programmers, or anything you feel like for that matter haha
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 05:33 PM
iHellFire iHellFire is offline
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alright cool. like i said, i am looking at the gryphon programmer but have no idea about tunes. I have 35" KM2s on my truck and will have 35s for as long as i have the truck....I would like better pick-up especially when im towing and would like too see a little better mpg seeing im getting 10.8 right now.....i would like to do a couple calibrations (does that mean custom tunes?) thanks
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 06:30 PM
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The tunes will really depend on what octane gas you are used to using... most people go for an 87 octane tow tune and an 87 octane performance tune. I have this and I recommend it because it covers most situations that I would find myself in... If i raced my truck I would get the 93 performance tune as well, but I would need to make sure that all the 87 gas was out of the system...
With the mileage, a tuner can only help. before you install it though I would make sure that nothing is wrong with the truck mechanically, clean the MAF and the TB as well, and maybe even change the spark plugs if it has been a while. Ford recommends to change them around 60-70000 miles, so theoretically you should have had them done once already. This could be a reason for the bad gas mileage as well.
change the oil as recommended, and the tranny and differential fluids as well, and keep up with any other recommended maintenance and you should be good. as a comparison, I have 35"ish tires as well and I just filled up and got 14 mpg's. the best I have seen is 17.7 on the highway with a tailwind, and that was only once, I usually get 15.5ish on the highway.
hope that helps
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 06:51 PM
iHellFire iHellFire is offline
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OMG...if i could see 15...crap even 13 mpg right now I would be happy. Changed my spark plugs @ 120,000 so 7,000 miles ago....I remember hearing not to clean the MAF for some reason....not saying that I won't...but thats what I am looking for. haha this truck will not be doing any racing....she runs great. I actually had to replace the throttle body last year as well....
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 06:56 PM
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ticopowell ticopowell is offline
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well I would bet that your injectors are kinda clogged.. making the fuel not atomize properly. what I did a few months ago was to get some seafoam and with about 3/4 full gas tank, I put 2 small bottles (treat 20 gallons each), into the gas tank and ran it til it was almost empty. It smoked and idled fairly rough, but it made me go from 12.5ish to 14 mpgs in about a week . I have heard that techron will do the same thing. I was thinking of changing my plugs is why I did it, but now I am gonna wait til summer to change them. No guarantees, your results may vary . but I think it is worth a shot.
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 07:08 PM
iHellFire iHellFire is offline
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well either way if i get it, i will notice a performance jump...
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 11:53 PM
iHellFire iHellFire is offline
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can i run a programmer with gotts mod?
Old Sun, May 8th, 2011, 11:55 PM
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Yes! you can, it is one of the great mods that don't need custom programming.

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