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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Sat, July 25th, 2009, 10:06 PM
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Default Gryphon Question

Hello, I just received the Gryphon I ordered last week. Installed it and it works great, I saw a big difference in the trucks performance. However, My question is: when I ordered it I wasnt too sure how the custom tunes (ordering) worked. So to cover myself I chose to put my custom 87 performance tune in the 3rd box just in case they would replace the 91 performance tune. Now on my Gryphon there is no 87 performance. just the stock tunes that were said to come pre-installed. should I expect them to be sending me my custom tune? or was there a mistake made somehow?
Old Sat, July 25th, 2009, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by larog72 View Post
Hello, I just received the Gryphon I ordered last week. Installed it and it works great, I saw a big difference in the trucks performance. However, My question is: when I ordered it I wasnt too sure how the custom tunes (ordering) worked. So to cover myself I chose to put my custom 87 performance tune in the 3rd box just in case they would replace the 91 performance tune. Now on my Gryphon there is no 87 performance. just the stock tunes that were said to come pre-installed. should I expect them to be sending me my custom tune? or was there a mistake made somehow?
I don't think there's a mistake. When you get your Gryphon it has three "canned" tunes on it. They should look something like:
1. Tranny Only
2. 87 Tow
3. 93 Performance
And the names may be different, but you get the idea, I hope. These are actually improvements on the stock tune in your PCM and you could use any of them. (But don't use the 93 Performance tune unless your tank is FILLED with 91+ octane gas).

You can have your custom 87 performance tune put anywhere. However, to avoid confusion, I'd have them put it in the Level 1 (transmission only) slot. This leaves a canned tow tune and a canned 91+ octane performance tune in place. You may want to get hold of Corey and tell her this.

Your tune will come at a later date and you will download and install it using Pegasus when it's ready.

- Jack

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Old Sat, July 25th, 2009, 10:27 PM
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Ok thanks, that answers that question for me. But now that brought up another one. When I ordered The 87 performance tune I put it in the 93 performance slot, will that replace the 93 w/ the 87? or will I then have the original 3 canned tunes plus my custom tune? and do they send me this tune via email?
Old Sat, July 25th, 2009, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by larog72 View Post
Ok thanks, that answers that question for me. But now that brought up another one. When I ordered The 87 performance tune I put it in the 93 performance slot, will that replace the 93 w/ the 87? or will I then have the original 3 canned tunes plus my custom tune? and do they send me this tune via email?
The Gryphon can hold three tunes (plus your stock tune). If you ask to have your custom tune put in the "93 performance slot", it's going to replace the canned tune that was there. You will have a canned "tranny only" tune, the 87 tow tune and your new custom 87 performance tune. The 93 performance tune has been sent to the landfill.

Corey will try to notify you when your custom tune is ready. You should go to PHP's website and download Pegasus. If your tune is ready, you can program your truck back to Level 0 (the stock tune). Bring your Gryphon to the PC, start Pegasus and plug your Gryphon into the PC using a USB cable. Then, click on Updates->Targeted Functions and if a tune is ready, it can be downloaded and installed into your Gryphon.

- Jack
Old Sat, July 25th, 2009, 11:24 PM
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Thanks alot for your reply. You were a big help!! I understand know.

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