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1999 to 2003 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel
7.3L Power Stroke Diesel equipped Super Duty and Excursion.

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Old Sun, March 20th, 2011, 10:04 PM
catman2 catman2 is offline
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Default Want a Pheonix with a Edge Evolution monitor

After reading and studying about chips and tuners I've come a long way and hopefully learned enough now to have narrowed my decision down to a PHP Pheonix. However, there is one feature from back when I was considering a canned tune I like and thats the four PID monitor that comes with the Edge Evolution. Not the CS or CTS but the grey one that has the green screen.

I like the fact I can see not only the EGT, Boost and Trans. temp but also engine oil temp at once. It also matches my grey interior
Can I buy that monitor by itself and would it be a good match for a 6 position Pheonix?

01' F-350 ccsb 254k
DIY intake
BTM on stock exhaust
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Old Mon, March 21st, 2011, 01:59 PM
Tempsho Tempsho is offline
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Yes you can. I will very soon have the exact same setup you are inquiring about! (Edge Evolution to monitor the trucks vitals and a 6 posistion chip)
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Old Mon, March 21st, 2011, 05:34 PM
catman2 catman2 is offline
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What exactly is it called, an Evolution Monitor or is the monitor itself what is considered the Edge Evolution? Unlike the CS, CST I can't seem to find a sight where it's sold seperatly and what all does it come with?

Also, I planned on pulling my AIH and replacing it with a plug but I found where I can use a plug that allows a boost gauge like an Isspro to tap into that spot, which is considered the optimum place.
Does the Evolution have a sensor that can tap in there?

Last edited by catman2; Mon, March 21st, 2011 at 05:46 PM. Reason: To ask another question
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Old Mon, March 21st, 2011, 06:26 PM
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Are you talking about the Edge Insight?

EDIT: Looks like they dont carry the monochrome ones anymore. Might find one on Ebay or some other truck forum.
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Old Mon, March 21st, 2011, 11:58 PM
catman2 catman2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Longshot270 View Post
Are you talking about the Edge Insight?

EDIT: Looks like they dont carry the monochrome ones anymore. Might find one on Ebay or some other truck forum.
I just Googled Edge Insight and yeah, thats the one. Cept' they only have them for Dodge, Duramax and 04' Fords on up. Mine's an 01'.
I guess they're so 2010. Looks like I'll be going with piller gauges.
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Old Fri, April 8th, 2011, 07:42 PM
firemedic5586 firemedic5586 is offline
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Originally Posted by catman2 View Post
I just Googled Edge Insight and yeah, thats the one. Cept' they only have them for Dodge, Duramax and 04' Fords on up. Mine's an 01'.
I guess they're so 2010. Looks like I'll be going with piller gauges.
i'm running Edges Insight CTS in my 02 F350, works awsome with my FU chip...
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