View Full Version : Computer?
Sat, February 28th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Bill I am having a weird issue with my transmission. It won't shift into OD. The light stays on that shows it to be off. Now if I hook up the Snap On scan tool and run through test it will go off during the test. Its not the wiring in the shifter handle cause that has been changed. No codes and the tranny shifts fine 1-3, full of fluid and its not burnt. Trans temps run under 140 pretty much all the time. Do you have an idea what could cause this in the computer? If you think it would be better if I called and talked to you about it next week I can do that. Its a TDE1 computer code.
Power Hungry
Sun, March 1st, 2009, 12:10 AM
My first thought was the switch wiring, but you said that's covered. Keep in mind it could go bad again, but since it seems to work with the scan tool, I doubt that the issue. Could be a program problem or maybe even a bad TFT sensor. Any time there is an issue with anything trans related, OD should be locked out. Of course, the OD light should be blinking as well.
Is this something that just happened all of a sudden, or did it happen a couple of odd times and finally get stuck this way?
PM me your number and I can give you a call either tomorrow or Monday. Either that, or call me when you have time.
Take care.
Sun, March 1st, 2009, 03:54 PM
I was just messing around with it today and unhooked the harness from the transmission and the light stayed on. Seemed kinda odd to me.
Mon, March 2nd, 2009, 04:07 PM
I took it off and got lucky with the stock wires and got them correct the first time. That didnt solve the problem though. If you could get me the diagrams I would appreciate it.
Power Hungry
Mon, March 2nd, 2009, 06:06 PM
I'll call over to the dealer tomorrow and see what I can dig up for ya. :2thumbs:
Mon, March 2nd, 2009, 09:16 PM
Well I guess it had to relearn everything. My first test drive was to pick my boy up from it was just 6 blocks. When I went to go town a van for a friend the light went out but still wasnt just right and after 15 miles it was working just like it was supposed to do.:happy-dancing: Thanks for the advice Bill, I thaught the bypass took it completely out but nope.
Mon, March 2nd, 2009, 11:52 PM
Well I guess it had to relearn everything. My first test drive was to pick my boy up from it was just 6 blocks. When I went to go town a van for a friend the light went out but still wasnt just right and after 15 miles it was working just like it was supposed to do.:happy-dancing: Thanks for the advice Bill, I thaught the bypass took it completely out but nope.
Don't you just love it when things are "self-repairing"? Of course, there's always that nagging feeling that it could suddenly turn "self-destroying". :yikes2:
- Jack
Sat, March 14th, 2009, 09:29 PM
Well its done it again. The light is staying on and everything is back to completely stock. I am going to look for a new truck.
Sat, March 14th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Do you still need wiring diagrams or diagnostic charts? if the vehicle is 03 or older I can probably find the info on my Alldata software... Sorry I don't have a newer version as its too Damn expensive.. (I have the commercial not the DIY version)...
I am happy to look up info for anyone that needs it...:cool_beans:
My other suggestion when you get one of these "weird" issues is I can post it to iATN ( I discontinued my paid membership when I got my new job as Mr. Mom but I can still post a help request if you are really stuck.
I'm not a transmission Guy at all, but I'm always looking to learn something new
Sun, March 15th, 2009, 01:18 AM
Any help would be appreciated. It is a weird thing cause I have noticed if I run both tanks down to 1/4 it does it more. It will just not go into overdrive doesn't matter how much I push the button, plus there is not 1 code. I do know of problems of the TC if the 3rd brake light is out. Mine was removed due to a shell that was on there and I sold it and don't have one. But I don't have TC issues. I am wondering if this might have something to do with it.:shrug:
Sun, March 15th, 2009, 02:38 AM
Drop me a PM with your email and I can send you the PDF of the alldata diagrams... if you need other info just let me know, I finally got my print to PDF function from alldata working :thumbs up yellow:
Wed, March 18th, 2009, 08:09 PM
I think I got it figured out. Just for S & Gs I got one of them lights that go into the reciever and plugged it up to the 4 way. After about 10 minutes of driving my OD light went out. I have heard about the tranny having issues with the TC but not OD going completely out. I am heading out to San Diego Friday morning and my goal is 23 mpgs.
Thu, April 30th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Chuck wondering if you ever got this sorted out? I Had the exact same thing happen to me in early April. Mine did not fix itself though, needed a new PCM. :nonod: Whatever little chip on there that controlled the OD circuit failed. OD light stayed on constantly but never got a code for it. :cursin:
Sat, May 2nd, 2009, 12:57 PM
Not completely. It does go out and run right for a while. I am kinda wondering if my VSS has taken a dump cause my wife has made a few trips following me in her truck and she always says that I am 5 mph off. I show that I am doing 65 and she will be doing 60. Plus the little speed things on the side of the road that tells you your speed shows me 5 off. I am not aware of the gears being changed but I could be wrong.
Sat, May 9th, 2009, 08:15 AM
are toshiba laptops good deal to buy? been looking for the perfect brand for the lap top which i will buy by next week.. can anyone suggest anything about other brands?? :throwup:
Power Hungry
Mon, May 11th, 2009, 02:01 PM
I've used Toshiba Satellites and Dells with no issues. I have an HP Pavillion which is OK, except I had USB issues with it and the display went out the first month. HP fixed it no charge and has been fine ever since.
I've had bad luck with IBMs and Compaqs (although Compaq and HP are supposed to be similar) and haven't tried anything else.
My personal preference is Dell. They stood up to my abuse for over 5 years now and all my current work machines (2 laptops and 1 desktop) are Dells.
Hope this helps.