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Corey Cohron RIP Sun, December 14th, 2008 11:36 AM

We Need Your Help!
I wanted to throw this out there...

We started this forum so that people could ask questions and post comments, observations, and suggestions. Please know that we are not the end-all-be-all of Fords or custom tuning! If we wanted folks to pose questions just for us to answer, we could have just stuck with e-mail! ;)

(Of course, that doesn't mean that members shouldn't post questions with the intention of having us answer them or offer our opinions! We just don't want that to be the extent of it.)

I almost get the feeling that some of our members are afraid of jumping in to give their opinion at the risk of being wrong. Don't be silly! Throw your own experiences and suggestions into the pot! At the very worst, we'll just gang up on you :gangup: and make you feel stupid. :smiley_roll1: I'M KIDDING!

So, please... if you see a post and have something to add, by all means, do so. It will make this forum even better! :2thumbs:

bangingd Sun, December 14th, 2008 02:46 PM

Now that you mention it, there was this time at band camp........

Nevermind probably not what you meant.:yikes2:

Power Hungry Sun, December 14th, 2008 03:08 PM

Ahhh... There's always one :jester: in the bunch! :hehe:

Corey Cohron RIP Sun, December 14th, 2008 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by bangingd (Post 276)
Now that you mention it, there was this time at band camp........

Nevermind probably not what you meant.:yikes2:

:clarinet: (A clarinet is as close as I could get...) :smiley_roll1:

Corey Cohron RIP Tue, December 16th, 2008 09:27 PM

Thanks everyone! I see many more posts that don't have Power Hungry or Groovy Chick beneath them. :2thumbs:

I've been learning a lot from you! -- especially on the Gryphon threads. I just keep filing the information away for the time when a customer asks me about it on the phone! (Not bad when you consider that I was just a humble teacher :teacher: a year and a half ago and didn't know a thing about trucks.)

BTW, did you see that we're up to 56 members? Now, if all those GUESTS would sign up... :woot: By the end of the week I should have that e-mail out to all of our customers telling them about the forum (so when YOU get it, just ignore it! ;))

Keep spreading the word! :whisper: :megaphone:

Thanks again -- you're wonderful! :thankyou:

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