Originally Posted by JackandJanet
I seriously doubt it.
I was amused by one (or maybe more than one) poster on the f150 forum that thought the reason you lost power by going to bigger tires was due to the "increased inertia" of the larger ones, making it harder to start them "spinning". Totally missed the real effect of the larger tire acting like a higher gear, turning slower at a given engine RPM, and giving you less mechanical advantage during acceleration.
- Jack
sorry to drag up an older thread, but this issue is something I'm wondering about presently. I'm planning a Gryphon purchase, and larger tires as well. With my stock 3.55 gear ratio some people are telling me 35's are too tall and my tranny life will be reduced along with a loss of power. Can a custom tune accommodate this, as in more torque and possibly firmer shifts/less slippage? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.