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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Fri, March 26th, 2010, 05:10 PM
Farmer11 Farmer11 is offline
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Default 6.0 Gryphon questions

hi, i have a few questions about the gryphon for the 6.0. i am currently running an sct, but would love to be able to switch programs a little faster. how long does it take to reprogram with the gryphon?
does it tune the tranny like the sct?
does the tranny relearn everytime still?
is it worth while trading?

Old Sat, March 27th, 2010, 12:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Farmer11 View Post
hi, i have a few questions about the gryphon for the 6.0. i am currently running an sct, but would love to be able to switch programs a little faster. how long does it take to reprogram with the gryphon? What year is your truck? 05+ are allot faster than the 03-04 PCM when it comes to programming. I have the SCT x3 and the Gryphon on a couple of trucks. The Gryphon is Faster than the X3 when programming the trucks. Of course the more options you change the longer it take to program with both of them. I've never timed it but I could if you really need to know.

does it tune the tranny like the sct? Yes
does the tranny relearn everytime still? Yes, However Bill mentioned to me at one time he could turn that off. It seemed safer to me to leave it on
is it worth while trading? Its a user preference, I like them better, because I didn’t have to buy gauges like I do with the SCT. I also wanted my PHP FICM programs to match my PHP tuning. You also have the option of programming your FICM with the gryphon as a added extra option. My power levels are on par with the SCT programs I have from ID(Extreme Street) But I've never puked running a PHP file. Bill has decided not to push the limit of the head bolts on the 6.0, but if you have studs he can adjust the tune to account for that.
19 F-350 6.7 Auto
16 F-350 6.7 Auto
05 Excursion 6.0, Auto, PHP Atlas 40 FICM, ARP Studs VXBC6(truck PCM)
00 F-350 7.3, 12 Speed, PHP Gryphon, PHP hydra, DAC3
95 F-Superduty 7.3 DI, Auto, Mechanics Truck
94 F-Superduty 7.3 DI, 5 speed, Flatbed
Old Sat, March 27th, 2010, 12:52 AM
Farmer11 Farmer11 is offline
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its an 03.
Im mainly looking for something that can change the tune a little faster so i can be more selective. Right now i hardly ever change its as it takes about 5-8 minutes to do and i usually dont have time. If you could time it next time you change that would would be sweet to get an idea

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