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Phoenix Switch-On-The-Fly Chip (DISCOUNTINUED) (Disabled)
Power Hungry no longer sells the Phoenix/TS chip, but if you need custom tuning we can recommend a few really good tuners that will be able to still provide tuning and support for your chip.

If you have any other questions or comments about the Phoenix/TS chip, please post it here.

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Old Wed, February 2nd, 2011, 09:58 AM
stonecutter stonecutter is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Summerton, SC
Posts: 7
stonecutter is on a distinguished road
Default Suggestion

I saw the sticky about orienting the dial on the tuner like a clock which is how I had done it...anything to make it easier to remember!. I thought it would be cool to have vinyl lettering or a sticker of some kind that had the HP # or tune abbreviations to correlate with the setting. I have looked for something that would work and havent found anything that would look good. I know it would depend on where the switch is mounted too. Maybe it`s something to consider? Thanks again for the chip! Installed Nov '09 and problem free!!

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