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Phoenix Switch-On-The-Fly Chip (DISCOUNTINUED) (Disabled)
Power Hungry no longer sells the Phoenix/TS chip, but if you need custom tuning we can recommend a few really good tuners that will be able to still provide tuning and support for your chip.

If you have any other questions or comments about the Phoenix/TS chip, please post it here.

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Old Sun, October 30th, 2011, 03:49 PM
Nuge Nuge is offline
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Default will the Phoenix recalibrate my speedo?

I just put in a PHP Phoenix 6 pos. chip in my 2002 Excursion with the 7.3L diesel. When filling out the online order form, I entered the stock tire size, and the current size with my 4" lifted set-up (35s). I was under the impression that my speedo would be calibrated as such by PHP. Will this chip fix the speedo error on my truck??? Thanks
Old Wed, November 2nd, 2011, 02:26 AM
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Sorry, the speedometer is driven off your ABS module and cannot be calibrated via Phoenix Chip. The reason you were asked to enter your tire size it because this can effect shift speeds.

There are ways to calibrate your speedometer, but check out the Superlift Tru-Speed.
Old Sat, June 16th, 2012, 12:05 PM
fifity fifity is offline
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Bringing this back from the dead. I am running 37's now and am having 4.88 gears thrown in. Truck originally was on 31.5's with 4.10 gears.

My wifes friends husband is a ford mechanic and I am trying to see if he will recalibrate the speedo with their computer.

Do I risk anything with the PCM being updates etc and compatability with my 6 pos chip?

Or should I just wait to find some One with an AE?
Old Sun, June 17th, 2012, 11:03 PM
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Nope, just make sure the chip is out before the re-flash.
Old Sun, June 17th, 2012, 11:43 PM
fifity fifity is offline
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Out out? Or on the stock setting out?
Old Mon, June 18th, 2012, 03:52 AM
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In your glove box out.

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