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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Wed, May 6th, 2009, 03:55 PM
rngprerunner rngprerunner is offline
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
Don't bug them about "When do I get my tune?". And, I know this is asking a lot, but could we try?

- Jack
But by that same token, "we" have paid out a sizable amount of our hard earned money for a service with no expected delivery date. So at what point do we need to be kept in the loop and at what point can we ask for updates? One month? Two? Three?

If I had paid this kind of money to Amazon or somebody on eBay and after three months of not receiving the product or an update I'd be pretty pissed. I know for me two months was my limit, I didn't bother them until we were eight weeks in and I hadn't heard anything. But I'm sure others are pestering from day one.

Thankfully Bill and Corey have a VERY good reputation for quality service and products so waiting for three months isn't a huge deal. But it would be easier to handle if there was an update given at some point.

Am I totally off base with this or does it makes sense?
Old Wed, May 6th, 2009, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by twintips_17 View Post
When did you order yours?
See above... February 3rd.
Old Wed, May 6th, 2009, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by rngprerunner View Post
But by that same token, "we" have paid out a sizable amount of our hard earned money for a service with no expected delivery date. So at what point do we need to be kept in the loop and at what point can we ask for updates? One month? Two? Three?

If I had paid this kind of money to Amazon or somebody on eBay and after three months of not receiving the product or an update I'd be pretty pissed. I know for me two months was my limit, I didn't bother them until we were eight weeks in and I hadn't heard anything. But I'm sure others are pestering from day one.

Thankfully Bill and Corey have a VERY good reputation for quality service and products so waiting for three months isn't a huge deal. But it would be easier to handle if there was an update given at some point.

Am I totally off base with this or does it makes sense?
No, you're not off base at all, and, I honestly sympathize with the points you are making and with your situation. I also have some idea of the distractions Bill has to deal with on a daily basis that take time away from his real work. I was simply asking that we keep that in mind too.

The real difficulty here is that we are paying for Bill's expertise, not someone else's. And, Bill cannot "train" somebody else in a way that insures that this somebody has all the experience Bill has accumulated over the years. So, having Bill "farm out" some of the tuning tasks to someone else is pretty much out of the picture. I know Bill won't even let Corey do some of the more "routine" tasks, such as uploading the tune files to the server, because he wants to insure there are no errors that could damage someone's truck.

Maybe Corey could think up something that would keep everyone better informed where they stand. I know she tried to do this once, but it didn't seem to work out. Just doing this though, is a drain on their resources.

I'm having a few thoughts though, that I'll discuss with her. Maybe we can do a better job of keeping everyone informed AND letting Bill work on tunes and problems!

- Jack
Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 04:21 AM
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I understand all the points made in this thread. I know that I am one of the guys that purchased my Gryphon around tax return time, when PHP had their big SALE!! (Thanks PHP!) But I was also originally quoted 4-8 weeks for my tunes. So I said hey that's awesome and left it alone, until about the 8th week, then I simply asked for an update on my tunes to be sure that they had my HEX, and that I was at least in line for my tunes. Corey assured me that I was, and that was the end of my worries. I hadn't bugged Corey in a while about my tunes (she actually forgot my name!! ) ...which told me that I was not pestering her like I felt I was, but it is going on three months now so I contacted her recently, and I am only about a week away by her calculations. I have tried to be really patient, and I know it will be worth the wait. It's not necessarily that everyone is bothering them from day one, it is just a lot of curious people that ordered around the same time (late Jan early Feb) who are beginning to wonder what happened to their custom tunes??? Thankfully, Bill and Corey haven't given up on us, and are doing their best to answer all the concerns and questions as best they can. We are all going to get through this!!!
Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 06:34 AM
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Hey guys! Kinda looking at things hear and there. A lot of you guys have already done this but there are some that haven't and Jack has mentioned this before. Please fill in your hex code in your user cp along with the serial number. Seriously it's alot less leg work for Bill and Corey!

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Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 03:25 PM
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01-30-2009 Re: hex code sent.

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Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by average-joe View Post
01-30-2009 Re: hex code sent.
I just looked at the calibration code you posted in your User CP and it looks "odd" to me. I'm used to seeing more characters: for instance, mine is: RXCM5E4.HEX (and I think the proper format always has 7 characters in front of the decimal point) but yours only has four characters, followed by a decimal and the letters "HE" Is it possible you didn't get it all and are missing the 1st three characters?

I'd hate to see your custom tunes delayed over this, so could you do yourself a favor and go to Diagnostics->Version Info on your installed Gryphon and verify what you put down for Calibration Code is indeed correct?

Maybe I'm being a worry-wart, but if there's a problem, we'd both like it fixed.

- Jack
Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 07:46 PM
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Still waiting

My HEX code was sent in on Dec 9. Appartently there may be some kind of paper mix up? I was planning on keeping this truck only a couple of years so this is a significant amount of time already gone. I have tried to PM Corey and Bill a couple of times with not much success. I hope everything is alright with them! I am trying to wait patiently but that is getting hard to do now the nice weather is here.
Be patient I am sure they are doing what they can!
Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 07:54 PM
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Your hex code in your User CP looks correct. I'll draw their attention to this in our Moderators forum, Brad.

Unfortunately, it appears they are away again for a few days, so there may be an additional delay.

- Jack
Old Thu, May 7th, 2009, 07:59 PM
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Any kind of update just so I know would be great.

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