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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 03:16 PM
rngprerunner rngprerunner is offline
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Default Anybody receive their custom tunes in the past couple weeks?

Just curious.

It has been 13 weeks now since I ordered my Gryphon and have been at the top of the list for the last couple weeks.

I can't seem to get a hold of Corey through PM (gave up on Email like four weeks ago when I figured out PM was more efficient) and this isn't a big enough deal for me to waste their time by calling. Hopefully she'll see it here.

So anybody been getting tunes or am I the only one not?
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 03:26 PM
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I am in about the same week as you. I think a few before from your 13 week calculation. I havn't gotten mine yet either but i had seen a post about a week ago that a guy had ordered his the week before me and he had just got his.

That was about 10 days ago.

But we have to remember that when we purchased ours it was in the middle of a huge sale.

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Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 03:31 PM
rngprerunner rngprerunner is offline
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Originally Posted by twintips_17 View Post
But we have to remember that when we purchased ours it was in the middle of a huge sale.
I bought mine before the sale... yea I got hosed on that too... LOL

I ordered my Gryphon on February 3rd.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the product so far and service has been fine, but when I have a friend order tunes from another company and get them the next day I start to feel a little...
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by rngprerunner View Post
I bought mine before the sale... yea I got hosed on that too... LOL

I ordered my Gryphon on February 3rd.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the product so far and service has been fine, but when I have a friend order tunes from another company and get them the next day I start to feel a little...
He got them next day???? Makes me wonder how much time and development went into them......

Just throwing it out there.... I once saw a guy selling SCT's on ebay. SO i clicked on his link to see what else he had and he was selling custom tunes for $.99... Yeah!!! 99 cents!!!! Anyone can write them but it takes years of knowledge and experiance to write great ones.

I ordered mine on the 13th of febuary.

I went back and looked. THe guy had ordered them on jan 31 and he got them three weeks ago. So it cant be to much longer.

Last edited by twintips_17; Tue, May 5th, 2009 at 03:49 PM.
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 03:57 PM
rngprerunner rngprerunner is offline
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Originally Posted by twintips_17 View Post
He got them next day???? Makes me wonder how much time and development went into them......
It was from one of the reputable tuners, but it doesn't matter so there is no need to post who here. The normal wait he said was like four or six weeks, but for a small fee he expedited his and had them the next day. I would have gladly done that, still would for that matter.

I went back and looked. THe guy had ordered them on jan 31 and he got them three weeks ago. So it cant be to much longer.
Hmm... we'll I ordered four days later it's been another three weeks... odd... no?

Wonder who at PHP I pissed off...
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 05:21 PM
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Whew, now I don't feel so bad anymore. Still waiting, but I only ordered on 3/18....
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Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by SubiGT View Post
Whew, now I don't feel so bad anymore. Still waiting, but I only ordered on 3/18....
Good things come to those who wait!!!
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 05:37 PM
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One of the things we know about PHP, is - they don't play favorites and, you cannot "buy" faster service. You simply go into a queue when you order your tune (and send the hex code) and then, you get it when it's your turn.

I know of only one time they violated this approach. Bill moved a guy up in the queue because he was about to be deployed to Iraq. Seems a nice thing for them to have done (in my opinion).

One of our Moderators here, Lars, is still waiting on his tunes too! He's been waiting a long time.

- Jack

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Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
One of the things we know about PHP, is - they don't play favorites and, you cannot "buy" faster service.

- Jack
Ha! Not true. If you buy a used Edge and send it in to be upgraded to a Gryphon and order custom tunes for it you can get your Gryphon back tuned in a week or two. I was told that from the Boss herself, so there is a way to buy faster service from PHP, just wish I knew about it before I ordered a new one.

Anyway, still not complaining, just looking for some answers since I was told they would be ready last week and haven't heard anything since...
Old Tue, May 5th, 2009, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by rngprerunner View Post
Ha! Not true. If you buy a used Edge and send it in to be upgraded to a Gryphon and order custom tunes for it you can get your Gryphon back tuned in a week or two. I was told that from the Boss herself, so there is a way to buy faster service from PHP, just wish I knew about it before I ordered a new one.

Anyway, still not complaining, just looking for some answers since I was told they would be ready last week and haven't heard anything since...
You are "partially right". Yes, you do get the custom tunes faster this way, but you are without the programmer and operating your vehicle at stock the entire time your unit is with PHP. And, you ARE in a queue here too. It just happens to be a different queue than the one where you have your unit, and are able to use its canned tunes.

Bill and Corey found they had fewer difficulties if they loaded the custom tunes into your converted unit before returning it than if they returned the unit immediately and then posted the tunes later. Corey also said they would "revisit" this discrepancy in the wait time if it started to look like it was becoming an issue with people.

And, one thing that would cause them to stop returning the "converted" units with tunes installed would be for them to see people flooding them with Edges to be "converted", hoping to get faster service.

Now, if you are really looking for answers, please DO PM Corey. The forum is really not the place to try to put "pressure" on them.

- Jack

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