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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

If you have a question or comment relating the Gryphon (or Evolution) programmer, post it here.

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Old Fri, December 4th, 2009, 01:50 PM
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Default No response to PM's or anything?

I hate posting this stuff on the forums, but I've PM'd both Corey and Bill and have had zero response. I posted in another guys thread and was ignored as well. I ordered my Gryphon back in September along with a couple custom tunes. I sent my hex code the day I got the device in. I still haven't heard anything and would be nice if I at least got a response. Not trying to be an a$$ or anything, but it's frustrating when you ask a question and feel like it got tossed in the spam folder.

Just curious when I should expect them? I thought it should be by now. If it's going to take longer, that's fine. Just let me know.
Old Fri, December 4th, 2009, 03:02 PM
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I will see what I can do?
Aint going to promise anything either.

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Old Fri, December 4th, 2009, 03:36 PM
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Thank you for clarifying! I understand things can get backed up, I just wanted some sort of response.

Sorry I posted on the public forum about it, this is something I normally ask through email or PM.

No big deal though, you said all I needed to hear.


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