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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Fri, January 30th, 2009, 11:07 PM
KIRT KIRT is offline
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Default Still have that trani lag.

Just installed the gryphon and of course I tried out all the canned tunes (custom tunes on order) and the trani lag or sluggish throttle response still exists on all of them. What going on? The canned seem to be good in every other category but that one. Any suggestions?
Old Sat, January 31st, 2009, 12:33 AM
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Originally Posted by KIRT View Post
Just installed the gryphon and of course I tried out all the canned tunes (custom tunes on order) and the trani lag or sluggish throttle response still exists on all of them. What going on? The canned seem to be good in every other category but that one. Any suggestions?
If you are comparing this to the experience you were having with an Edge, before you upgraded it to a Gryphon, then you will get the same response. The canned tunes on the Gryphon are the same as the ones on the Edge.

But, now you've got Bill working on your side and he should be able to tell you what's happening, or, give you a tune that will fix it.

It's also possible, now that I think of it, that a dealer reflash could take care of the throttle lag. Have you discussed it with him (I'm assuming your truck is still in warranty)?

Regardless, you've taken a good first step. Bill WILL help you get through this!

- Jack

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Old Sat, January 31st, 2009, 01:28 AM
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This is my first tuner so I have nothing to compare it to but bone stock and there is little if any difference. Yes my truck is still under warranty. How would a reflash help? This would mean that there has been a problem since the beginning. I have heard of several others from other forums having the same issues. I also heard that ford tuned in a lag on purpose. I also wondered if it may have something to do with the fact that my truck uses a computer driven throttle instead of a cable.

Last edited by KIRT; Sat, January 31st, 2009 at 01:42 AM.
Old Sat, January 31st, 2009, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by KIRT View Post
This is my first tuner so I have nothing to compare it to but bone stock and there is little if any difference. Yes my truck is still under warranty. How would a reflash help? This would mean that there has been a problem since the beginning. I have heard of several others from other forums having the same issues. I also heard that ford tuned in a lag on purpose. I also wondered if it may have something to do with the fact that my truck uses a computer driven throttle instead of a cable.
Hi again Kirt -

I think it is quite likely there has been a problem since the beginning, and, as Ford finds out about these things, they often come up with fixes, which in this case, may be a reflash.

Regardless - I'd return the tune to stock and then remove the Gryphon. (Do this any time you take your truck to the dealer)! Tell him what your problem is and then ask if he knows if there are any TSBs, possibly involving PCM reflashes, that might help? I really doubt Ford tuned in a "lag", at least not one from a standing start, if that's what you have.

The computer driven throttle has been with us since at least 2004, maybe earlier. My truck has it. I used to have a lag in downshifts during passing. That went away with my Gryphon. I never had any kind of lag from a standing start.

If I'm not understanding something, please try to re-explain your problem.

- Jack
Old Sun, February 1st, 2009, 01:50 PM
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From the factory, Ford intentionally incorporate Tip-In torque management which they call "Shock Reduction" to prevent sudden shock to the driveline. This prevents a direct 1 to 1 relationship between your foot and the throttle blade resulting in the lag.

On some 2007 and 2008 trucks, there have been updates from Ford that actually help reduce some of this lag along with addressing a shift-flare issue on some strategies. In most cases, the Gryphon or Evolution will reduce or even eliminate this lag but because of the large number of strategies released each year, there are some strategies that need a little extra attention in order to achieve the desired results.

I see you included your "Box Code" in you information but, if you could, please provide the current HEX code for your vehicle and I'll get a closer look to see what we can do to help.

Take care.
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Old Sun, February 1st, 2009, 06:02 PM
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I've a 08 and had the Lag then i plugged in the Gryphon and the Lag has gone,dealership has never flashed my PCM that i know of.

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Old Sun, February 1st, 2009, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post
From the factory, Ford intentionally incorporate Tip-In torque management which they call "Shock Reduction" to prevent sudden shock to the driveline. This prevents a direct 1 to 1 relationship between your foot and the throttle blade resulting in the lag.

On some 2007 and 2008 trucks, there have been updates from Ford that actually help reduce some of this lag along with addressing a shift-flare issue on some strategies. In most cases, the Gryphon or Evolution will reduce or even eliminate this lag but because of the large number of strategies released each year, there are some strategies that need a little extra attention in order to achieve the desired results.

I see you included your "Box Code" in you information but, if you could, please provide the current HEX code for your vehicle and I'll get a closer look to see what we can do to help.

Take care.
Thanks for the great info. No one else has been able to explain the lag to me including the factory. I hope you can help make it go away. I buy the tires so if I want to burn them off that should my choice. I sent an E-mail on friday with the hex # and my gryphon serial #. If you didn't get them or they aren't the correct #'s let me know.
Old Mon, February 2nd, 2009, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Power Hungry View Post
From the factory, Ford intentionally incorporate Tip-In torque management which they call "Shock Reduction" to prevent sudden shock to the driveline. This prevents a direct 1 to 1 relationship between your foot and the throttle blade resulting in the lag.

On some 2007 and 2008 trucks, there have been updates from Ford that actually help reduce some of this lag along with addressing a shift-flare issue on some strategies. In most cases, the Gryphon or Evolution will reduce or even eliminate this lag but because of the large number of strategies released each year, there are some strategies that need a little extra attention in order to achieve the desired results.

I see you included your "Box Code" in you information but, if you could, please provide the current HEX code for your vehicle and I'll get a closer look to see what we can do to help.

Take care.
That's impressive. I am continually impressed by your
Old Mon, February 2nd, 2009, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by SinCityFX4 View Post
That's impressive. I am continually impressed by your
I think we ALL are! And, I think this is the difference between someone who knows how to use tuning software, and someone like Bill who understands all the side effects that can occur when tuning a vehicle.

- Jack
Old Mon, February 2nd, 2009, 01:16 PM
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It is nice. And, a very important issue, especially when you hear of all these guys suggesting the different gears I wonder if they realize the full extent of the change on the vehicle.

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