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Phoenix Switch-On-The-Fly Chip (DISCOUNTINUED) (Disabled)
Power Hungry no longer sells the Phoenix/TS chip, but if you need custom tuning we can recommend a few really good tuners that will be able to still provide tuning and support for your chip.

If you have any other questions or comments about the Phoenix/TS chip, please post it here.

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Old Fri, October 29th, 2010, 03:46 AM
Lowdown89 Lowdown89 is offline
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Default Lope idle tune

Hey guys I know that you can now add the high idle to any tune, but I was wondering if you you can add the lope tune to say my 120race tune so as long as I'm just idling it will lope but when I actually press the pedal it acts like normal?
Old Fri, October 29th, 2010, 11:42 AM
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Yes, that can be done.

Oh, and an FYI for everyone, the Super Duty trucks are the only ones that can have the automatic idle-up feature.
Tuning, flashing, burning chips, and repairing all aspects of 7.3L Powerstrokes.
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Old Fri, October 29th, 2010, 02:36 PM
Lowdown89 Lowdown89 is offline
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Awesome, that what I was hoping to hear! Im working on get a few more things done to the truck but hopefully soon I can come done and put it on the dyno and get my chip redone with some new stuff

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