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Phoenix Switch-On-The-Fly Chip (DISCOUNTINUED) (Disabled)
Power Hungry no longer sells the Phoenix/TS chip, but if you need custom tuning we can recommend a few really good tuners that will be able to still provide tuning and support for your chip.

If you have any other questions or comments about the Phoenix/TS chip, please post it here.

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Old Tue, August 14th, 2012, 10:23 PM
Bobbys Big Red Rig Bobbys Big Red Rig is offline
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Default Have the Phoenix and I am upgrading injectors

I have the Phoenix and in a couple weeks I am getting ready to install a set of Swamps Injectors. How do I go about getting my truck tuned for the injectors?
FYI, can not get anyone to answer phones during listed phone hours. Another guy near me has been trying phone and email for two weeks.
Old Wed, August 15th, 2012, 01:02 AM
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ticopowell ticopowell is offline
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I am fairly certain that you will have to send in your current chip and have them reburn it. I wouldn't run the injectors in the truck without it being tuned for the injectors. I think there is an order form, but I haven't checked.

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